Archive for the ' Shoemaking '

May. 26, 2017 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking , Student Reporter | Tags:
Li Shiau-Ting , Shoemaking
Reporter: Li SHIAU-TING | Course:
Shoe Making 26-Master Course 2016 (Student1)
木製的支撐片。老師給了我一雙小尺寸的支撐片專門用在小尺寸上,真是可愛。 Wood shank I use for my Chelsea Boots. Here is the small that use for small size like my shoes. 在填上軟木塞前,需使用砂輪機把中底稍微磨平一些。 Insole sanding after gluing th… [Read more]
May. 26, 2017 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking , Student Reporter | Tags:
Caterina Melidoni , Shoemaking
Reporter: Caterina Melidoni | Course:
Shoe Making 12-One Year Course 2017 (Student1)
After Easter’s holidays we kept working on our derby’s. Upper, lining and insole are ready for the lasting. I can’t wait to learn the goodyear stitching of the sole. On Saturday my family came to Flo… [Read more]
May. 12, 2017 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking , Student Reporter | Tags:
Lara Blevi , Shoemaking
Reporter: Lara Blevi | Course:
Shoe Making 25-One Year Course 2016
During this week I finally finished my brothers shoes. It’s amazing how much longer the last few steps for rounding of a shoe can take, especially if you want it to look neat and professional. I am ve… [Read more]
Apr. 28, 2017 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking , Student Reporter | Tags:
Caterina Melidoni , Shoemaking
Reporter: Caterina Melidoni | Course:
Shoe Making 11-One Year Course 2017 (Student1)
A new shoe model is coming! We designed our derby’s paper models and started to work at upper and lining. It is always interesting to share ideas with classmates and discuss about style and new trends… [Read more]
Apr. 27, 2017 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking , Student Reporter | Tags:
Masami Ishizuka , Shoemaking
Reporter: Masami ISHIZUKA | Course:
Shoe Making 27-Master Course 2016 (Student2)
アンジェロ先生です。分かり易いように本を使って製法の仕上がり具合を説明して下さっています。 This is our teacher, Angelo. He is explaining with his book how to last the shoes depending on the method. 靴とウェルトとを縫い合わせて行きます。ここからが手縫い靴の見せ所です。時間… [Read more]
Apr. 21, 2017 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking , Student Reporter | Tags:
Li Shiau-Ting , Shoemaking
Reporter: Li SHIAU-TING | Course:
Shoe Making 25-Master Course 2016 (Student1)
這個禮拜正式進入挪威縫的縫製步驟。所謂挪威縫結構,是一種不加沿條而直接將中底與鞋面縫在一起的製法,典型的挪威縫會有一條像麻花一樣的裝飾線,因此比起固特異,多了份優雅的味道。挪威縫結構可選擇兩階段或者三階段的縫製,根據鞋子的設計兩者會有不同的視覺表現。我選擇的是三階段式的整圈手縫,設計上期待裝飾線能讓靴子更有份量感。 In this week, I eventually enter the m… [Read more]
Apr. 21, 2017 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking , Student Reporter | Tags:
Masami Ishizuka , Shoemaking
Reporter: Masami ISHIZUKA | Course:
Shoe Making 26-Master Course 2016 (Student2)
写真上が先芯です。下はヒールカウンターです。 The upper in the picture is the toe counter. And the other is the heel counter. つま先に先芯を付け終えた所。 Just finished to put the toe counter. 釣り込んでこのような形にします。木型を抜いてもつま先… [Read more]
Apr. 14, 2017 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking , Student Reporter | Tags:
Caterina Melidoni , Shoemaking
Reporter: Caterina Melidoni | Course:
Shoe Making 10-One Year Course 2017 (Student1)
I finished my first pair of shoes! (almost finished) The Blake stitching is completed, and I spent these last days, working at the heels. It takes time to make them, because they are made by layers c… [Read more]
Apr. 14, 2017 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking , Student Reporter | Tags:
Lara Blevi , Shoemaking
Reporter: Lara Blevi | Course:
Shoe Making 24-One Year Course 2016
There is officially a month left before the end of the course. I cannot believe how quickly the time passed this year. I really hope to do at least one more pair of shoes for my mother before the end … [Read more]
Apr. 12, 2017 | Posted in
Reports, Shoemaking , Student Reporter | Tags:
Li Shiau-Ting , Shoemaking
Reporter: Li SHIAU-TING | Course:
Shoe Making 24-Master Course 2016 (Student1)
時光匆匆的流逝,眼看著剩下一個月我們就要畢業了,快樂的時刻總過得特別快。這禮拜,我完成了靴子的攀幫,並開始為挪威縫製做準備、完成了擱置一段時間的小藍、參加了一場派對、參觀了想了很久卻一直沒機會去的Museo delle cappelle medicee。嗯,又是充實的一週!教授Angelo正在示範攀幫挪威縫的技巧。 Time flies quickly, around one month… [Read more]