Practical Information
How do I spend my free time in Florence?
Florence is a city of endless possibilities. You can’t possibly see all of the hundreds of historical monuments and museums that are located throughout Florence. The morning might find you taking espresso with the locals at a sidewalk cafe, sitting on the walls along the Arno River, reading a book in the sun, or watching the day’s bread being made in a “pasticceria” (pastry shop). Spend the afternoon hiking in Fiesole and the hills around Florence, watching the tourists crowd around the Gates of Paradise, or shopping in Mercato of San Lorenzo. Eating an Italian meal, chatting at a wine bar, or dancing at one of the many clubs…all of these activities can take up your whole evening. On the weekends, you can travel to the Tuscan beaches, Rome, Milan and any other city. Do everything that you can, every day, because your time abroad flies by.