Reporter: Chikako

Sep. 14, 2022 | Posted in Senza categoria , | Tags: , Reporter: | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design Summer Course (n.4)

🇬🇧 The school has entered the final week and the apartment has been completed. 🇯🇵 学校も最終ウィークに入りアパートも完成してきました。 🇬🇧 At first, I started… [Read more]

Aug. 26, 2022 | Posted in Senza categoria , | Tags: , Reporter: | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design Summer Course (n.3)

🇬🇧 In the third week, I launched the drawing in 3D. The Vectorworks I'm using is written in Italian, so I think it's progressing slowly but steadily with the help of the inte… [Read more]

Aug. 13, 2022 | Posted in Senza categoria , | Tags: , Reporter: | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design Summer Course (n.2)

🇬🇧 Have you been to the Central Market in Florence? We went for a walk in search of truffle pasta recommended by our Japanese interpreter. When I was looking for it, it was o… [Read more]

Jul. 29, 2022 | Posted in Senza categoria , | Tags: , Reporter: | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design Summer Course (n.1)

🇬🇧 After arriving in Italy, I stayed in a hotel for one night and took a taxi to my apartment the next morning. When I arrived at the apartment, my roommate girl greeted me w… [Read more]