Reporter: Yuri T.

Oct. 12, 2024 | Posted in Senza categoria , | Tags: , Reporter: | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design Summer Course (#3) – Yuri T

photo 1 photo 1, How to spend time after school I was designing a bookshelf for my interior design class, and I was told about a great place to work on it after school. It's called … [Read more]

Oct. 05, 2024 | Posted in Senza categoria , | Tags: , Reporter: | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design Summer Course (#2) – Yuri T

photo 1, 2 Santa Maria Novella Church After school on Monday, we went to the Church of Santa Maria Novella. From the lancet arches and stained glass decorations, it is clear that the church … [Read more]

Sep. 28, 2024 | Posted in Senza categoria , | Tags: , Reporter: | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design Summer Course (#1) – Yuri T

photo 1 Going to school in the morning In the mornings, I either walk or take the streetcar to school, and since the mornings are already brisk in September, it is very pleasant to walk. As… [Read more]