Accademia Riaci
Student Reports

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May. 28, 2024 | Posted in Senza categoria , | Tags:, Reporter: | Course: Art History

Art History Summer Course (#2) – Arisa T

It has been two weeks since I have been in Italy. Every time I write a student report, I am amazed that another week has already passed. Every day is fresh and fun.

In the art history class, we sometimes walk around the city of Florence as well as churches and museums. The entire city is like a museum, dotted with historic buildings. This picture is of a hotel, which was originally used as a residence for aristocrats and is long and narrow with small windows like a fortress.

art historyの授業では、教会や美術館だけでなくフィレンツェの街を歩きながら行うこともあります。街全体が美術館のようで、歴史のある建物が点在しています。この写真はホテルの写真ですが、元々は貴族の住まいとして使われていたそうで、縦長で要塞のように小さな窓が付いています。
Art History blog
The exhibition at the Museum of Precious Stones, which we visited as a class, was also impressive. These are furnishings made from marble and precious stones such as lapis lazuli based on painted sketches, like inlay work (not exactly). (Strictly speaking, this is not the case.)
Since the colors are not mixed as in an underdrawing, they are expressed while retaining their vivid colors. Imagining the delicate work that requires a sense of taste in the selection of the precious stones and the way the shadows are applied, I am even more in awe of these furnishings.

Art History blog
Art History blog
Art History blog In the elective class, we took part in backmaking. I had not used a sewing machine since home economics class, so I was nervous, but after some light practice, I was able to watch the teacher’s demonstration and get started on my project, which was easy to understand and fun.

Art History blog Here is the finished mini pouch. The pattern is not very clear, but I like it because I think it is also a taste.

Art History blog I had a day off from classes on Friday, so I went to Venice with a friend. The scenery of the city on the water was fantastic and I felt like I was in a movie.

Art History blog I was very impressed with the scenery of the city on the water. In Venice, I had the famous squid smelt pasta and bongole pasta. The seafood was as good as the rumors said it would be, and I enjoyed them to the fullest extent of my compliments.

Art History blog My main attraction was the Paradolo of San Marco Temple, said to be made up of 526 pearls, 330 garnets, 320 emeralds, 225 sapphires, 183 amethysts, 75 rubies, 175 agates, 34 topazes, 16 red jade atoms, and 13 jasper stones. I spent a lot of time just looking at them, not only for their jewelry value, but also for their beautiful artistic design incorporating Byzantine and Gothic styles.

Art History blog On May 18, I went to the Uffizi Gallery for the Notte europea dei Musei event, where I could enter for only one euro in the evening. This is a masterpiece by Simone Marti. This is Simone Martini’s Annunciation. The expression on the Virgin Mary’s face as she stoops at an angle and gazes quizzically at the angel is a must-see.

また、5月18日はNotte europea dei Museiというイベントにより、ウフィツィ美術館が夜から1ユーロで入れるということで見に行きました。3時間ほどの滞在時間では見切れないほど膨大な量の美術作品があり、どれも美術の教科書や参考図書に載ってあるような名作ばかりです。この作品はシモーネ・マルティーニの受胎告知です。斜めに身を引いて訝しげに天使を見つめる聖母マリアの表情は必見です。
Art History blog Then I ate bistecca, which I had longed for. At first I thought bistecca was like a cookie. I thought it was like a biscuit, but when I heard that it was steak, I didn’t have much of a craving for it. However, I invited my friend to try it because it was said to be a specialty, and it was so delicious that I thought the meat I had been eating might not be meat at all, and the quantity was not as large as I had heard.

This is my report on enjoying Italian gastronomy and art.





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photo1, 2, 3 Leonardo da Vinci Museum. He is famous…
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At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.

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