Accademia Riaci
Student Reports
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Feb. 27, 2017 | Posted in Senza categoria , Student Reporter | Tags:Misa Yoshida, Graphic DesignReporter: | Course: Graphic Design
Graphic Design 5-One Year Course 2017
I continued working on my logo. By adding small adjustments here and there, I tried creating a logo that satisfies me.
When I get stuck on my creation, I stop my hands and take a deep breath. I then go see other students’ works. Their eagerness surely increases my motivation toward my work.
ロゴデザインがひと段落し、制作はビジネスカード作りに移りました。未だ色の使い分けが出来ず、苦戦し、先生からダメ出しを受けながら少しづつ進めて行きました。「Simple is the best!」と背後から言われ続け、それを目指して四苦八苦しています。
After finishing my logo designs, I started working on my business card designs. Although I still struggle with colors and am constantly getting the professor’s advices, I am progressing little by little. I don’t know how many times I was told from behind, “Simple is the best!” My struggling continues aiming for such simplicity.
This is what my workspace looks like. Recently, I started using my own PC at school. I brought this graphics tablet from Japan. I listen to my favorite music during I.S. (Independent Study) time. The notebook on the side is for jotting down instructions from the professor and some vocabularies that I could not understand. Chocolate is a must-have for me so I can eat one to relax myself when stuck with my work, or simply when I’m hungry.
今回のART VISITは大聖堂近くの小さな美術館へ行きました。ここは無料で入る事が出来るのですが、内部がとても狭いので少人数での見学になります。予め決められた時刻に予約をし、入場するので、普段入る事は中々ありません。中はフレスコ画などの宗教画が展示され、フィレンツェの歴史を感じる事が出来ます。
This week’s Art Visit was a trip to a small museum near the Duomo. Although its admission is free, it’s very small inside therefore only a small number of people can enter at once. Because a reservation is mandatory for this reason, people don’t visit here so much. There were religious fresco drawings exhibited inside, and you can certainly feel the history of Florence.
I have lived in Italy for some time now, and I time to time find myself crave for Japanese food.
In such times, I go to Japanese restaurants nearby with my friends to treat myself with good food.
Today, I went to a sushi-go-round in Florence and this menu (photo above) surprised me. They called it “Salmon Chirashi-sushi” (FYI, Chirashi has a variety of ingredients scattered beautifully over sushi rice…), but this is just a fresh salmon bowl. I often encounter this kind of food surprise in Italy. LoL
普段、一人での夜の外出を避ける様にしているのですが、友人と時間が合えばそのまま一緒に食事をしに行く事があります。この日は軽い夕食を済ませ、そのままサント・スピリト広場まで足を伸ばしました。この地区には「世界で一番美しい教会」と名高いサント・スピリト聖堂(Basilica di Santo Spirito)があります。広場の周囲にはバールが多くあり、そこでお酒を飲みながら談笑する地元の方が多く見られます。バールも雰囲気のあるお洒落なものばかりで夏にはさらに大勢の人たちがお酒を飲みに集まるのだそうです。
I usually don’t go out by myself at night. But if I’m with friends and the time is right, we stay out and go for a dinner. The other day, we went to the Santo Spirito Square after a light supper. It’s close to the Santo Spirito Church, which is known as the most beautiful church in the world. There were many bars around the Square, and lots of local people were hanging out there drinking and having a good time. Many of such bars have good atmosphere, so more people gather during the summer time.
We enjoyed after-dinner drinks at the bar recommended by my friend. A glass of beer or wine here costs around 5 Euro with a snack. The antique interior was creating an elegant mood. Shoetrees for shoemakers and tools used by hat makers were displayed in a showcase.
Just before the Valentines Day, a small market opened up near the school.
They were selling various kinds of chocolate by weight. There were milk chocolates, chocolates with nuts and dried fruits, strawberry chocolates, pistachio chocolates, and surprising hot pepper chocolates. I had tasted hot pepper chocolates before, and I remember it was unexpectedly tasty. They sold lots more standard and unique chocolates as well as other sweets such as macaroons.
I have been curious about the goods shop on the first floor of the school building, so I finally decided to visit there. The shop sells antique furniture and small goods in a retro mood interior. It was bigger inside than I expected, and I found an atelier-like room with a chandelier in the back.
I found a unique chair in this shop. The front side has an ordinary chair look, but the design in the backside was in the shape of buttock. So many interesting merchandises were sold in this shop that I could spend hours here.

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The production of the second bag has started.
This …
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At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.