Accademia Riaci
Student Reports
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Mar. 21, 2017 | Posted in Senza categoria , Student Reporter | Tags:Misa Yoshida, Graphic DesignReporter: | Course: Graphic Design
Graphic Design 8-One Year Course 2017
Now the branding assignment is done, we moved onto the self-appraisal brochure assignment. We will use new software for this task. My aim is to introduce my artworks as I make use of the logo made in the class.
This is a photo taken during our class. Sometimes we chat while we work on our assignment. It’s really worthwhile to listen to the professor’s story right from his experiences, or story about trends. These stories are absolutely a gold mine for us, students going out into the society in the future.
今回のART VISITはサント・スピリト教会へ。以前に一度足を運んでいましたが、今回はラファエレ先生の解説付きでした。教会内には絵画やステンドグラス、さらにミケランジェロが彫ったキリスト像などが飾られています。
We visited the Saint Spirito Church for this week’s Art Visit. I was here once before, but this time with Prof. Rafaelle’s guidance.
There are drawings, stained glasses and the statue of Jesus made by Michelangelo, exhibited in this church.
I found this street art on the way to the church. I was surprised to see 3D street art for the first time. It was too unique to ignore, so I could not stop myself taking this picture.
Before today’s basic lessons, we had been studying about the transitions in contemporary art. In today’s lesson, we had time to discuss about the artists each of us respected. It was truly interesting to know how we all had different viewpoints.
この日は月初めの日曜日だったので、美術館が無料開放されていました。そこで行ってきたのがパラティーナ美術館です。ここはピッティ宮殿(Palazzo Pitti)とも言われ、大昔トスカーナ大公が住んでいた宮殿です。中は画廊になっていて、ラファエロ作の「小椅子の聖母」などを見る事が出来ます。
As today was the first Sunday of the month, all museums were open for free. So I visited Palatine Gallery. This gallery is also called “the Pitti Palace”, where the Grand Duchy of Tuscany used to live. Inside the Pitti Palace is a gallery, where you can appreciate drawings such as “Madonna of the Chair” by Raffaello.
There is the Boboli Garden in the Pitti Palace. I almost thought it was a public park because it was so huge. Artworks such as the statue of Neptune and the Belvedere Forte can be found here. It was right after rain so there weren’t many people enjoying picnic here, but on a sunny day many local people visit here with a picnic sheet to enjoy lunch.
This is my first squid ink pasta ever in my life! I had it as today’s special lunch at a cafeteria across from the Santo Spirito Church. You can have a lunch set (pasta, bread and coffee) for 10 Euro here. I enjoyed delicious lunch at a very reasonable price.
I dropped by at the Santi Michele Gaetano Church with my friend. I was lucky to see inside because I rarely see this church open. Its baroque architecture has a very significant meaning among all baroque style buildings in Florence. Inside this church was filled with a solemn atmosphere with a beautiful stained glass window.
Enjoying cappuccino at a coffee bar. The barista here draws the latte art of the day whenever you order cappuccino. Today’s latte art was a swan. This cappuccino looked not only beautiful, but also tasted excellent.
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At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.