Accademia Riaci
Student Reports
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Mar. 07, 2019 | Posted in Senza categoria , Student Reporter | Tags:Rie Shirayanagi, Interior DesignReporter: | Course: Interior Design
Interior Design vol.7 – One Year 2018 (r.s)
Image #1: We have been to the exhibition of Marina Abramovic for Friday Art Visit which I have wanted to visit for a long time since I took modern Art theory and learned identity in the class. Marina Abramovic is a performance artist, and she does quite intense work but inspiring and thoughtful. “The Cleaner” is her first exhibition in Firenze, Italy. I am lucky to see her works in a person.
Image #2-3: This artwork is called “Imponderbilia.” Literally there are two people, male and female, and viewers or experiencers pass between them. This was actually set in the public like a security gate at the office or museum. The idea of this is how passengers react or face when they pass through such a limited spaces. It makes me think about identity and sexuality ( gender). I faced to female, just in case you are curious.
Image #4; This one looks very intense. Two people, female and male, face each other, and the male pull the arrow. Actually they put a pacemaker on each person’s wrist, and it measured their heart beats when the male pull the arrow and the female leaned toward back.
Image #5; This is about relationship between woman and man. I think especially she represents the relationship between Marina and Ulay.
Image #6: This looks also very intense in terms of the piles of human bones and the bloody background. Marina cleaned bones covered with blood, and she got covered by the blood. The idea is a little bit ironic but has powerful message to wars.
Image #7-8: Those works in the image 7 and 8 are categorized in “participation,” which audiences actually participates in her work, and her work is completed with them. Image #7 is about that Marina set table and chairs in a museum and sit for 7 hours in a day. She just waited a viewer to sit and face her. So, the idea of #7 is the viewer becomes a performer with Marina to the other viewers. Image #8 is about visitors in the museum have a seat at the long table with piles of rice in the middle of it, and they just count the pieces. The idea of Image 8 is about that the participants forget space, time, other visitors and just focus on doing one thing. I think it seems what it just is, but it is not only that when you actually participate in that work.
Image #9: This is a kind of truck or van that Marina and Ulay (her partner) traveled with. It was displayed at the entrance of Palazzo Strozzzi.
mage #10: Showing a little bit of my store project, I almost completed the 3D view of the GUCCI store in SketchUp. I still need construction documents to work on which includes floorplan, sections, ceiling and lighting plan, and furniture details. Almost 1 month left until Christmas Break:))

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This …
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At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.