Accademia Riaci
Student Reports

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Sep. 05, 2024 | Posted in Senza categoria , | Tags:, Reporter: | Course: Summer Intensive Course

Italian Home Cooking Summer Course (#1) – Tsuyoshi S.

Italian Home Cooking blog Crostoni al pomodoro.
Simple, delicious, and doubly delicious with the table setting and plates.

Crostoni al pomodoro。
Italian Home Cooking blog Risotto Zucchine e zafferano.
Mamma says that the key to risotto is to use more ingredients.
In the back is Lasagne and Polpette toscano.

Risotto Zucchine e zafferano。
奥は、LasagneとPolpette toscano。
Italian Home Cooking blog Strudel di mele. buonissimo ♥ The last one is dolce.

Strudel di mele。ボニッシモ♥ 最後はやっぱりドルチェ。
Italian Home Cooking blog Baccarat Liborno style today.

Italian Home Cooking blog
Italian Home Cooking blog Vin Santo is the name of Tuscany!

Italian Home Cooking blog Tomato sauce, mozzarella and capers, snack style… a perfect accompaniment to drinks and conversation

Italian Home Cooking blog The classic open sandwich. Cheese, salmon and avocado.

Italian Home Cooking blog Spaghetti Tuscan style tomato sauce. Buonissimo.

Italian Home Cooking blog Summer tiramisu-style dolce, so good you could eat the whole thing by yourself, Buonissimo.




Jewelry Making Summer Course 2024 (n1) kyoko-T

I live with my landlord on the 3rd floor of a beau…
Language:   Reporter:
Course: Jewelry Making

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Italian Home Cooking Summer Course (#1) – Tsuyoshi S.

Crostoni al pomodoro. Simple, delicious, and doub…
Language:   Reporter:
Course: Summer Intensive Course

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Jewelry Making Summer Course (#4) – nanao f

I went to Barcelona over the weekend. Barcelona is a…
Language:   Reporter:
Course: Jewelry Making

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At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.

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