Accademia Riaci
Student Reports

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Feb. 01, 2019 | Posted in Senza categoria , | Tags:, Reporter: | Course: Jewelry Making

Jewelry Design vol.3 – One Year 2018 (a.l.y)

Jewelry Design blog
This is a typical design of man’s ring which comes in a rectangle shape. It helps us better understand how different it may look between the side and front view.

Jewelry Design blog
After all the above practices, we are ready to draw a ring from real life instead of on paper. We did one example with one of the teacher’s ring.

Jewelry Design blog
For this week, we focus more on creativity. The teacher provides us with three simple and basic designs, and we are requested to draw as many as possible designs we could think of based on those three.

Jewelry Design blog
More designs that I could think of.

Jewelry Design blog
We visited another famous Italian goldsmith in Florence who are Alessandro Dari. He studied chemistry to become a pharmacist and early on discovered he was fascinated with metals. He created his very first ring when he was 16.

Jewelry Design blog
He gets his inspiration mainly from architecture in Florence.

Jewelry Design blog
His designs usually based on themes. Those shown in the picture are under the theme “soul”.

Jewelry Design blog
The painting color blue is very expensive in the renaissance time as it only can be extracted from the lazurite stone. Artist and sculptors usually use it for religion purpose.

Jewelry Design blog
More pieces with bigger stones. While we visited his shop, we could see how the masterpiece is born through a square opening on the right-hand side as his workshop is in the shop.

Jewelry Design blog
My favorite piece in the shop. In some of the pieces, he used more than ten metals to craft them. After the trip, I learned we shouldn’t limit our imagination when comes to jewelry design, just let your mind run wild.


Gelato Internship Course (#2) – Kazumi O

(2月3日) 今日は画像を使ってイタリア語レッスン。レッスンの後は、クラスメイトと散策兼ねてメルカート…
Language:   Reporter:
Course: Internship

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Gelato Internship Course (#1) – Kazumi O

(1日目) いよいよ留学生活スタート。時差でイタリア時間4時半起床。前日の23時到着で疲れているはずが…
Language:   Reporter:
Course: Internship

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Bag Making Summer Course (#16) – Yang Guk HONG

The production of the second bag has started. This …
Language:   Reporter:
Course: Bag Making & Leather Arts

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At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.

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