Accademia Riaci
Student Reports

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Mar. 19, 2024 | Posted in Senza categoria , | Tags:, Reporter: | Course: Jewelry Making

Jewelry Making Short Course (#02) – A.T.

Jewelry Making blog For breakfast, I often make sandwiches and other dishes. A fried egg with soy sauce is all you need to make it taste Japanese! Bagged apples are cheap, but Italian apples are very sour and astringent, so I lentilize them and sprinkle cinnamon on them.

Jewelry Making blog The carving room. There are lights and burners at each person’s seat, so everyone can concentrate on their own work. Tools for pressing metal and tools and stands for making uneven surfaces are also in this room, and when you use them for the first time, you will be given detailed instructions.

Jewelry Making blog In the third class, we learned to weld metal. I had never even used a lighter before, but I was able to successfully weld by heating the metal with a lighter and burner. Even in a burnt state like in the picture, it becomes shiny after soaking in acid for a while.

Jewelry Making blog A Japanese person I passed by at school gave me a green tea chocolate. It was a small thing, but it made me happy, so I took a picture of it and enjoyed it! Japanese sweets suit my taste buds.

Jewelry Making blog I missed Japanese food, so I bought some udon noodles at an Asian food store and cooked them in miso soup. Udon noodles were sold for about 1 euro per meal. Compared to frozen rice balls sold for about 3 euros, udon is relatively reasonable.

Jewelry Making blog Jewelry design class. We are practicing how to draw three-sided drawings and how to add shadows. I only had one class a week, so I practiced a lot on the days I didn’t have class and brought it with me. The teacher praised me a lot and I decided to continue working hard.

Jewelry Making blog This is a picture of lunch I had at a Chinese restaurant on my way to school. It was full of Florence University students at lunch time. The MENU PRANZO menu, where you choose your favorite staple and side dish and have them piled up on one plate, is the best. 6€, but the portions are large, so it’s very cost-effective.

通学路にある中華で食べたランチの写真。お昼時はフィレンツェ大学の学生でいっぱいでした。好きな主食とおかずを選ぶとワンプレートに山盛りにしてくれるMENU PRANZOというメニューが最高です!6€ですが量が多いのでコスパ良く、麻婆豆腐や八宝菜、炒飯や麺類など、気分に応じて頼めるのが魅力的です。
Jewelry Making blog After class, I went on a solo trip to Venice bullet train. It took more than 4 hours by train and it was night when I arrived. On the way to Venice, the zipper of my backpack broke and wouldn’t close, so I got impatient, but I found out how to fix it on the Internet and fixed it by myself. I heard there are many pickpockets in Venice, so you have to be careful with your bag.

Jewelry Making blog The streets of Venice are just like a water city! There are many boats passing through. Without Google Maps, you would be lost for sure!

ヴェネツィアの街並みはまさに水の都!舟がたくさん通っています。狭い路地は複雑に入り組んでいて、迷路のようです。Google Mapがないと確実に迷子になります!
Jewelry Making blog We took a boat to Murano Island, famous for its Venetian glass. A one-day free pass for 25€ allows you to ride as many boats as you want. It is a bit expensive, but if you want to ride more than 3 times, 1 day pass is more reasonable.
The photo shows a pair of earrings made by engraved glass, a time-consuming glass-making technique. The store owner was kind enough to show us how to make them.

写真はengraved glassという、手間のかかるガラス技法で作られたピアス。お店の方が親切で、作り方を教えてくれました。


Gelato Internship Course (#2) – Kazumi O

(2月3日) 今日は画像を使ってイタリア語レッスン。レッスンの後は、クラスメイトと散策兼ねてメルカート…
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Course: Internship

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Gelato Internship Course (#1) – Kazumi O

(1日目) いよいよ留学生活スタート。時差でイタリア時間4時半起床。前日の23時到着で疲れているはずが…
Language:   Reporter:
Course: Internship

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Bag Making Summer Course (#16) – Yang Guk HONG

The production of the second bag has started. This …
Language:   Reporter:
Course: Bag Making & Leather Arts

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At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.

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