May. 19, 2023 | Posted in
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M.H., Interior Design
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Interior Design
Interior Design Summer Course (n1) MH
フィレンツェに到着した日に、学校の下見に行きました。 学校へ向かって歩いていると、目の前にドゥオーモが、、、! 学校から本当にすぐのところなので、これを毎日見ることができるなんて贅沢だな〜と感動しました。 今日は同じクラスの子達と学校の近くのレストランにランチに行きました。 多くのレストランがテラス席を設けていました。お喋りをしながらゆっくりとランチ… [Read more]
May. 18, 2023 | Posted in
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C.K., Painting and Drawing
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Painting and Drawing
Painting and Drawing Summer Course (#1) – C. K.
On the first day of class, we first drew while being taught by the teacher. The language may be difficult, but you don't have to worry because there will be an interpreter. He was a very eas… [Read more]
May. 17, 2023 | Posted in
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Edwin Maldonado, Interior Design
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Interior Design
Architectural Design One-Year Course (#1) – Edwin M.
This week was my first week in Italy. Daniella Ruiz and I flew out of JFK April 30th and landed May 1st in Rome. Our first day was a little rough trying to get to our apartment, but we eventua… [Read more]
Feb. 03, 2023 | Posted in
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Risako, Jewelry Making
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Jewelry Making
Jewelry Making Summer Course (n4)
🇯🇵 今週は、Jewelry Making(ジュエリーメイキング)、Engraving(彫り)、Stone Setting(石留め)、Jewelry Design(ジュエリーデザイン)の四つの授業を受講しました。 Jewelry Makingの授業では、ついに王冠の部分と足の部分を溶接して指輪の形にし、その後足を永遠に磨き続けて、輝きを出しつつ… [Read more]
Feb. 01, 2023 | Posted in
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H.N., Painting and Drawing
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Painting and Drawing
Painting and Drawing Summer Course (n3)
🇯🇵 3週目となる今週も充実した活動を行うことができました。 ベルティ先生の授業では、残りの授業時間の関係で内容を油彩からインク画に変更し、インクを水に溶いて石膏像を画用紙に書く作業を行いました。 直しがきかないため、とにかくインクを薄めてから描き進めることを特に強調して教わりました。 修正可能な鉛筆での下絵の段階である程度形を決めることも… [Read more]
Jan. 30, 2023 | Posted in
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Risako, Jewelry Making
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Jewelry Making
Jewelry Making Summer Course (n3)
🇯🇵 今週は、Jewelry Making(ジュエリーメイキング)、Engraving(彫り)、Stone Setting(石留め)、Jewelry Design(ジュエリーデザイン)の四つの授業と、追加の授業としてHome Cookingコースを受講しました。 Jewelry Makingの授業では、先週に引き続き、オリジナルリングの製作を行… [Read more]
Jan. 27, 2023 | Posted in
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Ting Ya Lin, Jewelry Design
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Jewelry Design
Jewelry Design Master Course (n.24)
Completed thematic design this week: Rebirth. This is the pattern referenced by the design: Electronic floats car , musical notes, dancers Here is a sketch of … [Read more]
Jan. 25, 2023 | Posted in
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Chisa, Painting and Drawing
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Painting and Drawing
Painting and Drawing Summer Course (n3)
🇯🇵 イタリア3週目 今週は、二つの絵を授業中に完成させました。一つはアクリル画の騙し絵で(Pic1)もう一つは油絵の静物画です(Pic2)どちらもとても集中して作業し、仕上げたので出来栄えもとても満足しています。(Pic3, 4, 5) 今週はフードコートのあるところで、久しぶりにアジア料理を食べました。(Pic6)お米が久しぶりに食べられ… [Read more]
Jan. 23, 2023 | Posted in
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Wenjie, Interior Design
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Interior Design
Interior Design Summer Course (n3)
This week, the professor told me to design a jewelry shop which I also have never designed before. It’s also a challenge for me. I made 3 plans and found one of them I can feel satisfy. Then I… [Read more]
Jan. 20, 2023 | Posted in
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H.N., Painting and Drawing
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Painting and Drawing
Painting and Drawing Summer Course (n2)
🇯🇵 イタリア滞在2週目となる今週は、生活に慣れてきた反面少し疲れが出はじめたため、授業後は街の観光を控え、なるべく早めに帰宅し休むことを心がけました。 その分授業に集中して取り組めたと感じています。 🇯🇵 石膏像のデッサンの授業では、パステルの使い方を教わりつつ、これまで学習した、道具を使って対象物の… [Read more]
Jan. 18, 2023 | Posted in
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Risako, Jewelry Making
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Jewelry Making
Jewelry Making Summer Course (n2)
🇺🇸 This week as well, I took four classes: Jewelry Making, Engraving, Stone Setting, and Jewelry Design. In the jewelry making class, we were able to finish making the leaf pen… [Read more]
Jan. 16, 2023 | Posted in
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Ting Ya Lin, Jewelry Design
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Jewelry Design
Jewelry Design Master Course (n.23)
Practice chain design this week. Practice drawing a diagram of the structure of a chain. Practice designing a chain with a sample diagram. This is a design sketch … [Read more]
Dec. 15, 2022 | Posted in
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Wenjie, Interior Design
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Interior Design
Interior Design Summer Course N2 (Wenjie)
Continue last week’s work,trying to design the bookshelf. But i still stucking in what kind of shape should i do. Feel a little bit anxious about that can’t find the best answer. I guess is th… [Read more]
Dec. 14, 2022 | Posted in
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Ting Ya Lin, Jewelry Design
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Jewelry Design
Jewelry Design Master Course (n.22)
This week began to select a jewelry company for the briefing analysis report, and began to contact jewelry design companies and design the needs of customers. This is the style referenc… [Read more]
Dec. 13, 2022 | Posted in
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Chisa, Painting and Drawing
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Painting and Drawing
Painting and Drawing Summer Course N2 (Chisa)
🇬🇧 Italy Week 2 🇯🇵 イタリア2週目 🇬🇧 This week we went to the Uffizi Gallery. Botticelli's Primavera was a masterpiece and I was very moved. … [Read more]
Dec. 12, 2022 | Posted in
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H.N., Painting and Drawing
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Painting and Drawing
Painting and Drawing Summer Course N1 (H.N.)
🇬🇧 In the first week, from Mon to Wed, I learned drawing from Prof. Berti. I did a still-life drawing for one day and a plaster drawing for two days. 🇯🇵 最初の週、月… [Read more]
Dec. 09, 2022 | Posted in
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Risako, Jewelry Making
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Jewelry Making
Jewelry Making Summer Course N1 (Risako)
🇺🇸 The jewelry making course I am taking this time is a little different from other courses in that there are multiple classes in one course. The course timetable itself is div… [Read more]
Dec. 07, 2022 | Posted in
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Wenjie, Interior Design
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Interior Design
Interior Design Summer Course N1 (Wenjie)
The professor ask us to design a bookshelf.This is my first time to try to design furniture.I try to design for a bookstore to make the books display look more interesting and I choosed the ma… [Read more]