Jul. 27, 2022 | Posted in
Senza categoria , Student Reporter | Tags:
Priyanka Dhingra, Painting and Drawing
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Painting and Drawing
Painting and Drawing Short Course (n.7)
Attempting 4-5 self portraits in a row with oil paints on paper and gesso surface takes time and the results give me a deeper understanding of this medium. I attempt a large self portr… [Read more]
Jul. 25, 2022 | Posted in
Senza categoria , Student Reporter | Tags:
Ting Ya Lin, Jewelry Design
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Jewelry Design
Jewelry Design Master Course (n.13)
Practice drawing cabochon designs this week. This is a necklace designed with my own obsidian. A pattern designed on the theme of flowers. This is a necklace designed with moons… [Read more]
Jul. 25, 2022 | Posted in
Senza categoria , Student Reporter | Tags:
Natthanan Vatthanasangpan, Bag Design
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Bag Design
Bag Design One-Year Course (n.16)
Picture1: I am so exciting about the logo design project for practicing in branding design with my Prof. I have developed it from my latest logo sketches. The professor suggested me to do more… [Read more]
Jul. 23, 2022 | Posted in
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Marina Tatshani Rabadon II, Interior Design
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Interior Design
Interior Design Short Course (n.6)
WEEK 6 This week I worked on the technical drawing of the second bookshelf in the living area. Professor Bicci said that I’m already good with my technical drawings but this time I shou… [Read more]
Jul. 21, 2022 | Posted in
Senza categoria , Student Reporter | Tags:
Priyanka Dhingra, Painting and Drawing
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Painting and Drawing
Painting and Drawing Short Course (n.6)
This week I visit Oscar Ghiglia ‘s exhibition in Florence as advised by professor Berti to study his oil painting style. Today I start a small study on my own. As I am practicing and wo… [Read more]
Jul. 16, 2022 | Posted in
Senza categoria , Student Reporter | Tags:
Natthanan Vatthanasangpan, Bag Design
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Bag Design
Bag Design One-Year Course (n.15)
I brought many references and resources from the LAPELLE fair in Milan to discuss with Prof. Veronica. We talked a lot of new types of material which I can apply the information I had learned … [Read more]
Jul. 15, 2022 | Posted in
Senza categoria , Student Reporter | Tags:
Marina Tatshani Rabadon II, Interior Design
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Interior Design
Interior Design Short Course (n.5)
WEEK 5 In this photo, Professor Bicci is explaining to me on how do I begin with my technical drawing for the bookshelf I designed. He taught me where I should put my section line for t… [Read more]
Jul. 13, 2022 | Posted in
Senza categoria , Student Reporter | Tags:
Priyanka Dhingra, Painting and Drawing
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Painting and Drawing
Painting and Drawing Short Course (n.5)
Day 1 : This week I have to wrap up my pen and ink studies and project. After visiting Pietro Annigoni’s museum in Florence and studying his works in detail I am understanding various fine nua… [Read more]
Jul. 11, 2022 | Posted in
Senza categoria , Student Reporter | Tags:
Ting Ya Lin, Jewelry Design
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Jewelry Design
Jewelry Design Master Course (n.12)
Visit the Bardini Garden this week and admire the work of Galileo Chini. Read books and choose flowers to design. The Bardini garden is a historic garden in Florence , in the Oltrarno area … [Read more]
Jul. 10, 2022 | Posted in
Senza categoria , Student Reporter | Tags:
Natthanan Vatthanasangpan, Bag Design
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Bag Design
Bag Design One-Year Course (n.14)
I attended an international leather fair, LINESPELLE, at Milan throughout this week. It was such a good fair that made me come back in town with many memorable experiences. I decided to arriv… [Read more]
Jul. 09, 2022 | Posted in
Senza categoria , Student Reporter | Tags:
Marina Tatshani Rabadon II, Interior Design
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Interior Design
Interior Design Short Course (n.4)
WEEK 4 This is a 3d model of the first bookshelf I designed which has different compartment sizes accentuated with wooden slats for the door cabinet as accents. I started sketchi… [Read more]
Jul. 08, 2022 | Posted in
Senza categoria , Student Reporter | Tags:
Priyanka Dhingra, Painting and Drawing
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Painting and Drawing
Painting and Drawing Short Course (n.4)
Day 1 : Immersing My self further in the pen and technique and it’s various applications which have to be spontaneous and in a smooth flow I dwell deeper in several small and observant studies… [Read more]
Jul. 07, 2022 | Posted in
Senza categoria , Student Reporter | Tags:
Ting Ya Lin, Jewelry Design
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Jewelry Design
Jewelry Design Master Course (n.11)
This week, by collecting flower information and selecting 3 pictures to draw. Refer to the jewelry design pattern on the book, and then proceed to the jewelry design. Picture 1 : This i… [Read more]
Jul. 06, 2022 | Posted in
Senza categoria , Student Reporter | Tags:
Natthanan Vatthanasangpan, Bag Design
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Bag Design
Bag Design One-Year Course (n.13)
In this week, I brought my old shopping bag design to make paper pattern. Professoressa Giuliana taught me how to measure it in Paper Pattern Making class. There are two… [Read more]
Jul. 05, 2022 | Posted in
Senza categoria , Student Reporter | Tags:
Marina Tatshani Rabadon II, Interior Design
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Interior Design
Interior Design Short Course (n.3)
WEEK 3 This week, to wrap my design for the kitchen area, Professor Bicci showed me different samples of kitchen interior and this one in particular is a modular design solution example… [Read more]
Jul. 02, 2022 | Posted in
Senza categoria , Student Reporter | Tags:
Priyanka Dhingra, Painting and Drawing
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Painting and Drawing
Painting and Drawing Short Course (n.3)
Day 1 Today I started experimenting with the pen and black ink with Professor Alessandro guided me with technique along with the translator. Though I am familiar with this technique yet there… [Read more]
Jul. 01, 2022 | Posted in
Senza categoria , Student Reporter | Tags:
Ting Ya Lin, Jewelry Design
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Jewelry Design
Jewelry Design Master Course (n.10)
I started a new topic this week. The teacher took me to visit Museo Salvatore Ferragamo, and by appreciating the creations in the museum, I found a theme to design. And teach the process arran… [Read more]
Jun. 30, 2022 | Posted in
Senza categoria , Student Reporter | Tags:
Natthanan Vatthanasangpan, Bag Design
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Bag Design
Bag Design One-Year Course (n.12)
It is the first week after summer break. I am quite exciting in the subjects I will learn in this semester. Picture 1: In this semester, I have gotten an opportunity to learn with Profe… [Read more]
Jun. 25, 2022 | Posted in
Senza categoria , Student Reporter | Tags:
Marina Tatshani Rabadon II, Interior Design
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Interior Design
Interior Design Short Course (n.2)
WEEK 2 Professor Bicci taught me this day the standard dimensions of kitchen cabinets, drawers and countertops. I was explained the functionality of every drawer and cabinets and how a … [Read more]