Sep. 07, 2021 | Posted in
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Miyuki Marcella, Painting and Drawing
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Painting and Drawing
Painting and Drawing Master Course (n.11)
This week, I went to Barcelona for seeing the color of Gaudi. I found precious photo and drawing paper. It was lucky. She is a model of our atelier. Beautiful lady. This week I … [Read more]
Aug. 27, 2021 | Posted in
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Yuki Shimomura, Shoemaking
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Shoemaking One-Year Course (n.11)
週末 またまた、お別れの日がやってきました。土曜日は、これまで2ヶ月間同じフラットで暮らしていたシェフコースの2人がレストランでのインターンシップの為に、私たちのフラットから旅立っていきました。とても賑やかで楽しいフラットメイトたちが減るのは寂しいですが…。またいつか美味しいご飯を食べさせてね!頑張って〜! 最後にみんなで記念撮影 11週目 今週も引… [Read more]
Aug. 27, 2021 | Posted in
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Nabila Karimah, Fashion Design
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Fashion Design
Fashion Design Master Course (n.11)
11th week lessons Inside the class nside the class This week lesson just continues my sustainable fashion collection. So far, I already draw more than 25 looks, but my Pro… [Read more]
Aug. 18, 2021 | Posted in
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Nina Mostert, Fashion Design
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Fashion Design
Fashion Design Semester Course (n.10)
Monday I practiced the basic skills I need for photoshop at home by watching videos and doing tutorials. I love the new work and I can not wait to learn more about the digital programs. I… [Read more]
Aug. 18, 2021 | Posted in
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Arpagorn Darintapong, Bag Design
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Bag Design
Bag Design One-Year Course (n.11)
Week 11: Bag design course Tue 19.11.2019 Design class Today I tried to make presentation of my bag collection by using Adobe Indesign. I have never used this application before so Prof. Ve… [Read more]
Aug. 18, 2021 | Posted in
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Saki Nagai, Glass Art
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Glass Art
Glass Art One-Year Course (n.11)
前回制作していた作品の乾くのを待つ間に新しいデザインを考えました。まだデザインを作り慣れていないのでデザインの練習になるよう動物を選びました。ガラスを切るルールを思い出しながら動物の体のそれぞれの部分を分けました。 ペンでなぞり番号をつけ厚紙に写し型紙を作りました。前の作品よりもパーツの数が増えたので型紙を無くしてしまいそうです…。 ガラスを選びガラスに… [Read more]
Aug. 06, 2021 | Posted in
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Dunja Puača, Jewelry Making
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Jewelry Making
Jewelry Making Semester Course (n.2)
During this week I started working on some new pieces. I had to decide what to do next and the decision was made to make two new rings. Design of the two rings is completely different and they… [Read more]
Aug. 06, 2021 | Posted in
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Nabila Karimah, Fashion Design
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Fashion Design
Fashion Design Master Course (n.10)
10th week lessons Inside the class I want to make a sustainable fashion collection, I will use organic and recycled material, with a multifunction design so it will be slow fashi… [Read more]
Aug. 05, 2021 | Posted in
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Yuki Shimomura, Shoemaking
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Shoemaking One-Year Course (n.10)
週末 11月に入り雨の日が続くフィレンツェ ですが、日曜日はやっと曇り(晴れではないのですが)ということで、遂に私の作った最初のオクスフォードシューズ(フランチェジーナモデル)を履いて出かけて来ました。 初下ろしの私の靴 フィレンツェの街に少しずつクリスマスデコレーションが増えて来ました 10週目 今週でフィレンツェ生活ももう10週目に… [Read more]
Aug. 05, 2021 | Posted in
Senza categoria , Student Reporter | Tags:
Miyuki Marcella, Painting and Drawing
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Painting and Drawing
Painting and Drawing Master Course (n.10)
This week, my friend came from Japan. I went around Firenze for sightseeing. Venice is in the season of Aqua Alta. Here was the square of San Marco. The terrace of café was like… [Read more]
Aug. 04, 2021 | Posted in
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Holly Sophia Julia Cunliffe, Painting and Drawing
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Painting and Drawing
Painting and Drawing One-Year Course (n.10)
Week 11 This Monday session continued with life drawing. Following up from this, I went for ice-cream with classmates (1) Afterwards I went back to school to prepare a portrait painting for… [Read more]
Aug. 04, 2021 | Posted in
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Arpagorn Darintapong, Bag Design
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Bag Design
Bag Design One-Year Course (n.10)
Week 10: Bag design course Tue 12.11.2019 Design class Today Prof. Veronica taught me how to make design presentation. I reorganized my sketched and find more reference pictures to add in t… [Read more]
Aug. 03, 2021 | Posted in
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Natthanan Vatthanasangpan, Bag Design
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Bag Design
Bag Design One-Year Course (n.2)
Since experiment in the shape of my first bag so far, I start to add more details and decorations for make it having more story behind. Picture1 : I am interested in minimal style so I … [Read more]
Aug. 03, 2021 | Posted in
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Saki Nagai, Glass Art
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Glass Art
Glass Art One-Year Course (n.10)
今週からモザイクの技法に入りました。モザイクでは専用の道具を使ってガラスを細かく切って使います。二つの丸いカッターの間にガラス板を挟んでガラスをカットします。カットした際破片が飛び散るので飛び散らないように袋が付いているカッターもあるそうです。 まず始めにデザインから始めました。デザインをする際それぞれのパーツとパーツの間に2mm幅で隙間を作る必要があるそうです。モザ… [Read more]
Aug. 02, 2021 | Posted in
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Sara Maleki, Interior Design
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Interior Design
Interior Design Short Course (n.2)
The second week has started with designing ceilings for each zone of our interior spaces based of the requires of each function. The professor has checked our projects in order to solv… [Read more]
Aug. 02, 2021 | Posted in
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Nina Mostert, Fashion Design
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Fashion Design
Fashion Design Semester Course (n.9)
Monday Today I finished the final sketches for my first collection. I also ordered a digital drawing pad to help with my photoshop designs and illustrations. I don't have class on a Monday … [Read more]
Jul. 30, 2021 | Posted in
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Doreen Tan Hwee Kheng, Jewelry Making
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Jewelry Making
Jewelry Making One-Year Course (n.2)
Pic 1 - Everyday on my way to school, surely and certainly my eyes hold the beauty of this magnificent Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore. It stands pridefully tall with many fine but bold de… [Read more]
Jul. 30, 2021 | Posted in
Senza categoria , Student Reporter | Tags:
Nabila Karimah, Fashion Design
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Fashion Design
Fashion Design Master Course (n.9)
9th week lessons Inside the class. Inside the class. This week's lessons, I finished all of my patterns and the inspiration direction for my collection. The lectures ask m… [Read more]
Jul. 28, 2021 | Posted in
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Yuki Shimomura, Shoemaking
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Shoemaking One-Year Course (n.9)
週末 今週末は11月の第1日曜日(=一部の美術館が無料)ということで、またまたファッションデザインコースのナビラと一緒にアカデミア美術館へ行って来ました。 ダビデ像は想像してたより大きくてビックリ 昔の楽器の展示などもありました。鈴がいっぱいどんな音だろう 9週目 今週も引き続き、ダービーシューズの作業を進めていきます。月曜日は、靴底の… [Read more]
Jul. 28, 2021 | Posted in
Senza categoria , Student Reporter | Tags:
Miyuki Marcella, Painting and Drawing
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Painting and Drawing
Painting and Drawing Master Course (n.9)
This week, I went around Florence again for sightseeing.This city is really wonderful. And weekend I went to Venice. It was fantastic city. I want to go again for any time. Arno river.… [Read more]