Jul. 15, 2021 | Posted in
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Holly Sophia Julia Cunliffe, Painting and Drawing
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Painting and Drawing
Painting and Drawing One-Year Course (n.9)
Week 10 For this week my other friend Trinh came to visit for a few days from the UK Started the week with another portrait drawing using a pencil. (1) For this week we had a model come in … [Read more]
Jul. 15, 2021 | Posted in
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Arpagorn Darintapong, Bag Design
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Bag Design
Bag Design One-Year Course (n.9)
Week 9: Bag design course Tue 05.11.2019 Design class Today I continued sketching backpack with color and discussed with Prof. Veronica about the materials for handle and decoration. She su… [Read more]
Jul. 14, 2021 | Posted in
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Saki Nagai, Glass Art
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Glass Art
Glass Art One-Year Course (n.9)
今週は前回作っていた作品の続きと自分でデザインした新しいデザインの制作をしました。自分でデザインする際は自分でモチーフ、形や色などを決めなければならないので色の使い方や花や動物、建物、人体などの形も良く研究しなければならないなと感じました。作る際の技術はもちろんですが、それ以外のこともできれば作品ももっと良いものができそうだと思いました。 この技法で気をつけることはい… [Read more]
Jul. 14, 2021 | Posted in
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Nina Mostert, Fashion Design
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Fashion Design
Fashion Design One-Year Course (n.8)
Monday I had no class today and returned from my trip to Amsterdam. Fall break was lovely, but I am so happy to be back and to see my friends again. Tuesday Today I completed… [Read more]
Jul. 13, 2021 | Posted in
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Dunja Puača, Jewelry Making
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Jewelry Making
Jewelry Making Semester Course (n.1)
During this week I started working on silver earrings using traforo technique. After approximately 15 hours of work I finished them and prepared for engraving. I am very impressed with the amo… [Read more]
Jul. 13, 2021 | Posted in
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Nabila Karimah, Fashion Design
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Fashion Design
Fashion Design Master Course (n.8)
8th week lessons After one-week of fall break, we start our lesson by consulting with our lecture what we do on our fall break (like, any new progress of our project). I show to my lecture th… [Read more]
Jul. 08, 2021 | Posted in
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Natthanan Vatthanasangpan, Bag Design
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Bag Design
Bag Design One-Year Course (n.1)
This week is the beginning of my study in Bag Design at Accademia Riaci. Since the administrator and I have communicated so far, we are glad that we can met each other for real. After the gree… [Read more]
Jul. 08, 2021 | Posted in
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Sara Maleki, Interior Design
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Interior Design
Interior Design Short Course (n.1)
At first the class has started with an instruction of the teacher and showcasing his studies, works and project which was a great way to know who will be the instructor of the course. T… [Read more]
Jul. 08, 2021 | Posted in
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Doreen Tan Hwee Kheng, Jewelry Making
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Jewelry Making
Jewelry Making One-Year Course (n.1)
Pic 1-Arrived on 6 Jan 2020, a week before school team start. I got a great host who cooked Italian home-cooked lunch for me upon my arrival. Pic 2-Followed by checking out the bus rout… [Read more]
Jul. 07, 2021 | Posted in
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Saki Nagai, Glass Art
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Glass Art
Glass Art One-Year Course (n.8)
今週からはガラスの絵付けの技法を始めました。最初はガラス板を半分に切ることから始めました。まっすぐ切る時に力加減が上手くいかず少しよれた線になってしまいました。 ガラス板の下にデザインの紙を貼り見えている線をなぞっていきます。チューブを押しすぎるとペーストが出過ぎてしまったり逆に押す力が弱いと細すぎる線ができてしまうので微妙な力加減が必要なようです。 線を描… [Read more]
Jun. 09, 2021 | Posted in
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Yuki Shimomura, Shoemaking
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Shoemaking One-Year Course (n.8)
秋休み 先週は秋休みだった為、授業はありませんでしたがフィレンツェの街での過ごし方をご紹介します。リアチの他のコースで学ぶナビラとエイミーとシエナへDAYトリップしたり。(ちなみにフィレンツェ からシエナはバスで1時間程度!)フラットメイトのシェフ一押しのレストラン「ペルセウス」へ、フィオレンティーナステーキを食べに行ったり。ベッキオ橋が綺麗に撮影できるポイントまでお散歩したりと… [Read more]
Jun. 08, 2021 | Posted in
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Miyuki Marcella, Painting and Drawing
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Painting and Drawing
Painting and Drawing Master Course (n.8)
I started to study again with new feeling. This week, I went to the countryside of Toscana. I came back to Firenze. In front of our school, at the Bar. I draw the Griffon with i… [Read more]
Jun. 08, 2021 | Posted in
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Nabila Karimah, Fashion Design
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Fashion Design
Fashion Design Master Course (n.7)
7th week lessons On October12, 2019, we have scheduled for the art stage, we did a painting workshop of the panorama of Florence at Piazza Della Santissima Annunziata. The workshop starts at … [Read more]
Jun. 02, 2021 | Posted in
Senza categoria , Student Reporter | Tags:
Holly Sophia Julia Cunliffe, Painting and Drawing
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Painting and Drawing
Painting and Drawing One-Year Course (n.8)
Week 9 For this week my friend Nicolous came to visit from Germany. I started a new workpiece using ink with the focus still being on portraiture as a focus point trying to get proportion’s.… [Read more]
Jun. 01, 2021 | Posted in
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Arpagorn Darintapong, Bag Design
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Bag Design
Bag Design One-Year Course (n.8)
Week 8: Bag design course Tue 29.10.2019 Design class I continued drawing more details on my tote bag design that I sketched before Fall school break. Pic 01 : Sketching bag design … [Read more]
Aug. 12, 2020 | Posted in
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Saki Nagai, Glass Art
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Glass Art
Glass Art One-Year Course (n.7)
前回一面ずつのはんだ付けを終えたので今週からは組み立てに入る予定でしたが、持ち帰る時に運びづらいので今週からは組み方や型紙の作り方、それぞれの型のランプの作り方などを教えてもらいました。 写真のように上の角と角をぴったりと合わせてみました。テープで貼り合わせランプの形に立ててみると思っていたよりも大きかったです。早く制作に慣れて組み立てる前から完成した時の大きさが… [Read more]