Aug. 12, 2020 | Posted in
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Yuki Shimomura, Shoemaking
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Shoemaking One-Year Course (n.7)
週末 土曜日は2回目のアート・ステイジがありました。今回のテーマは水彩画ということで、みんなでサンティッシマ・アヌンツィアータ広場へスケッチに向かいました。 広場の階段に座ってスケッチ アート・ステージ終了後に、ロレンツォ先生が広場の隣にある教会を案内してくれました 7週目 月曜日は、これまで制作していたオクスフォード(フランチェジーナ)が遂に完成しました。し… [Read more]
Aug. 12, 2020 | Posted in
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Nina Mostert, Fashion Design
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Fashion Design
Fashion Design Semester Course (n.7)
Monday Today I started my planning for the week at the San Lorenzo market. After this I went to school for my independent study. I did research on the key words that I want to use for my collection… [Read more]
Jul. 31, 2020 | Posted in
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Nabila Karimah, Fashion Design
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Fashion Design
Fashion Design Master Course (n.6)
6th week lessons Photo 1: Final of my 2nd pattern. This week's lessons, I feel so happy cause I finally finish my 2 patterns after redo so many things. Then, I tried to develop my 3rd pa… [Read more]
Jul. 31, 2020 | Posted in
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Miyuki Marcella, Painting and Drawing
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Painting and Drawing
Painting and Drawing Master Course (n.6)
There are horses near hear: close to the Florence airport. フィレンツェ近郊には馬がいます。フィレンツェ空港の近くです。 I draw a blue color art. 青い色のアートを描きました。 Some trees appeared! 木々が現れます! At last, I drew Unic… [Read more]
Jul. 22, 2020 | Posted in
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Arpagorn Darintapong, Bag Design
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Bag Design
Bag Design One-Year Course (n.6)
Week 6: Bag design course Tue 08.10.2019 Design class: Today I continued with my bag sketch from last week. I realized that my design had some problem with the position of the straps so I discuss… [Read more]
Jul. 22, 2020 | Posted in
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Yuki Shimomura, Shoemaking
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Shoemaking vol.6 (One-Year Course – Yuki)
週末 金曜日にあったイベントに参加した後、ミラノに一泊したので土曜日はミキと一緒にミラノ観光をしました。残念ながら行列に並ぶ時間がなかったので、ドゥオーモには入れませんでしたが、ルイヴィトンのポップアップギャラリーを見学したりと楽しみました。 トラムの線が張り巡らされている様子は、蜘蛛の巣が張っている様で面白い ルイヴィトンのポップアップギャラリー 10月から冬… [Read more]
Jul. 20, 2020 | Posted in
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Holly Sophia Julia Cunliffe, Painting and Drawing
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Painting and Drawing
Painting and Drawing One-Year Course (n.6)
Week 6 Monday I kept experimenting with the ink and paper drawings. I found this a long process and feel will take a lot of practice. (1) Afterwards I met a sculpture artist and she shown me arou… [Read more]
Jul. 20, 2020 | Posted in
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Saki Nagai, Glass Art
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Glass Art
Glass Art vol.6 (One-Year Course – Saki)
今週から銅テープ貼りの作業に入りました。銅テープを貼るときテープに亀裂が入らないように気をつけながら貼らなければなりません。亀裂が入り隙間ができるとはんだ付けの際はんだがテープだけに乗るので隙間にははんだが付かず隙間が目立ちます。 銅テープ貼りのガラスに油性ペンで線を引きました。こうすることで制作するとき裏と表を間違ずに済むそうです。 次ははんだ付けの作業です。まず角と角が… [Read more]
Jul. 20, 2020 | Posted in
Senza categoria , Student Reporter | Tags:
Nabila Karimah, Fashion Design
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Fashion Design
Fashion Design Master Course (n.5)
5th week lessons Inside and Outside Badia Fiorentina. On September 27, 2019, we have an art visit schedule to Chiesa di San Salvatore in Ognissanti. But on the day of art visit I feel unwell s… [Read more]
Jul. 15, 2020 | Posted in
Senza categoria , Student Reporter | Tags:
Miyuki Marcella, Painting and Drawing
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Painting and Drawing
Painting and Drawing Master Course (n.5)
This week I went to a Vienna in Austria and Bologna in Italy. Both of them are very fantastic and very interesting. Vienna was cold and rainy. Bu my heart was hot. I listened to the pipe … [Read more]
Jul. 15, 2020 | Posted in
Senza categoria , Student Reporter | Tags:
Arpagorn Darintapong, Bag Design
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Bag Design
Bag Design One-Year Course (n.5)
Week 5: Bag design course Sat 28.09.2019 This is my first time to visit Basilica di Santa Maria Novella, The famous church of Florence. This museum containing masterpieces frescoes of Gothic and… [Read more]
Jul. 10, 2020 | Posted in
Senza categoria , Student Reporter | Tags:
Yuki Shimomura, Shoemaking
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Shoemaking vol.5 (One-Year Course – Yuki)
週末 土曜日にあった初めてのアート・ステージでは、ピッティ宮殿へ行きました。ピッティ宮殿の美術館には、絵画や彫刻だけでなく、近代ファッションの展示などもありました。 先生の説明を熱心に聞いています ファッションの展示があるなんて思いもしませんでした 日曜日は、ハウスメイトのレフとのお別れの日だったので、他のハウスメイトと一緒に学校の近くにあるカフェへ朝食を食べに行き… [Read more]
Jul. 10, 2020 | Posted in
Senza categoria , Student Reporter | Tags:
Holly Sophia Julia Cunliffe, Painting and Drawing
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Painting and Drawing
Painting and Drawing One-Year Course (n.5)
Week 5 Monday Today we were shown a different ink mark-making technique. I found this to be very interesting and beneficial to my own drawing technique. (1) I decided to try a portrait focused on… [Read more]
Jul. 10, 2020 | Posted in
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Nina Mostert, Fashion Design
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Fashion Design
Fashion Design Semester Course (n.6)
Tuesday Today I started with my First Collection! I am super excited and happy to start with something new. It is my first collection ever. I am starting to collect images for the mood board. Next … [Read more]
Jul. 06, 2020 | Posted in
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Saki Nagai, Glass Art
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Glass Art
Glass Art vol.5 (One-Year Course – Saki)
前回からの続きです。前回一面分削り終えたので残り五面となりました。一面分のそれぞれのパーツを削っていくとき上のパーツから始めて一つのパーツが終わったら次はその下と、どんどん下に進めていくと進めやすいそうです。 六面分削り終えました。削り終えて並べてみると隙間が空いていたりガラスが必要な部分にガラスの大きさが足りていなかったりしました。ガラスを切るときや削る時などの工程のズレがよく分か… [Read more]
Jul. 06, 2020 | Posted in
Senza categoria , Student Reporter | Tags:
Delgermaa Demberel, Fashion Design
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Fashion Design
Fashion Design One-Year Course (n.4)
Today is my 5th week here in Accademia Riaci in Florence. It has been a long week I was sick so I haven’t have done many things and I am still hoping my health will recover. Right now I am working … [Read more]
Jul. 06, 2020 | Posted in
Senza categoria , Student Reporter | Tags:
Nabila Karimah, Fashion Design
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Fashion Design
Fashion Design Master Course (n.4)
4th week lessons Inside and Outside Badia Fiorentina. On September 20, 2019, we have art visit schedule, we went to Badia Fiorentina. The Badìa Fiorentina is an abbey and churc… [Read more]
Jul. 03, 2020 | Posted in
Senza categoria , Student Reporter | Tags:
Arpagorn Darintapong, Bag Design
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Bag Design
Bag Design One-Year Course (n.4)
Week 4: Bag design course Mon 23.09.2019 Today I have no school so I went to Basilica della Santissima Annunziata,a Renaissance-style, Roman Catholic minor basilica designed by Leon Battista Albe… [Read more]
Jul. 03, 2020 | Posted in
Senza categoria , Student Reporter | Tags:
Miyuki Marcella, Painting and Drawing
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Painting and Drawing
Painting and Drawing Master Course (n.4)
This week, I had a short trip to Assisi. Here’s a sculpture. I drew with pen. Arno river in the morning. We visited Pitti palace for the school’s art stage program. Beautifu… [Read more]
Jul. 01, 2020 | Posted in
Senza categoria , Student Reporter | Tags:
Holly Sophia Julia Cunliffe, Painting and Drawing
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Painting and Drawing
Painting and Drawing One-Year Course (n.4)
Week 4 Monday Today I had drawing first thing I decided to focus on drawing in new techniques to measure the perspectives of the face, I struggled with this as I'm used to just going straight into… [Read more]