Oct. 24, 2019 | Posted in
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Xiao Wangyue, Jewelry Design
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Jewelry Design
Jewelry Design vol.13 (One-Year Course – Xiao)
1-2 学习蛋面宝石的上色技法。首先从水铅开始,复刻品牌戒指。 Learn the color techniques of cabochon cut stone. Start with water soluble colour pencil and copy the brand ring. 1 2 3-10 终于完成圣母百花大教堂为主题的珠宝设计。翡翠项链和非对称的耳环… [Read more]
Oct. 24, 2019 | Posted in
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Jioh Kang, Woodworking
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Furniture Making & Restoration vol.7 (One-Year Course – Jioh)
Once the gommalacca has been dried off using 98percent alcohol to gently wipe the excessive off. Using the fountain pen and Ink, follow through the design of polished plate of the vase. I have inter… [Read more]
Oct. 18, 2019 | Posted in
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Arpagorn Darintapong, Bag Design
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Bag Design
Bag Design One-Year Course (n.1)
Week1 : Bag design course Monday 02.09.2019 The class started with the introduction of the course by our teacher Prof. Veronica. She interviewed each student about their background and their goal… [Read more]
Oct. 18, 2019 | Posted in
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Delgermaa Demberel, Fashion Design
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Fashion Design
Fashion Design One-Year Course (n.1)
My first week in Florence was really interesting, I got lost quite a lot and I saw many beautiful buildings and cathedrals first it was hard to find my school but finally I found it (should’ve use g… [Read more]
Oct. 18, 2019 | Posted in
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Nabila Karimah, Fashion Design
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Fashion Design
Fashion Design Master Course (n.1)
1st week lessons This is the Accademia Riaci from outside building, the door with beautiful details and name of Accademia Riaci on left of door. We began this week with orientation day in the morn… [Read more]
Oct. 17, 2019 | Posted in
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Taeko Matsumoto, Ceramics
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Ceramics Summer Course (n.1)
🇬🇧 In the evening, a guy from the same apartment came home and showed me around a nearby supermarket. At night, a high school student in the cooking course came home and treated me t… [Read more]
Oct. 17, 2019 | Posted in
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Laverene Chua Siow Woon, Jewelry Making
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Jewelry Making
Jewelry Making Summer Course (n.1)
My housemates, Holly, Yuki and Tarn. Our first meeting at the apartment and we decided to head to explore city center and have a little chill out evening. A picture of myself at Rooster Cafe. L… [Read more]
Oct. 10, 2019 | Posted in
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Yuki Shimomura, Shoemaking
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Shoemaking vol.1 (One-Year Course – Yuki)
前日 授業が始まる前日に、これから3カ月間暮らすフラットへと入居しました。私が暮らすフラットには、寝室が3つと、共同キッチン、バスルームがあり、1部屋に2名ずつ暮らすことになります。同じフラットには私の他に日本人が二人と、シンガポール、タイ人、イギリス人が一人ずつです。残念ながら私のルームメイトは帰国中でまだ会えていませんが、他のフラットメイトとはすぐに打ち解けることが出来ましたました。 … [Read more]
Oct. 10, 2019 | Posted in
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Saki Nagai, Glass Art
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Glass Art
Glass Art vol.1 (One-Year Course – Saki)
1. 今週は一番最初のステンドグラス工房での作業でした。最初はガラスを切る練習からです。ガラス板に油性ペンで線を描きそこをガラスカッターで切っていきます。切るというよりもガラスに傷を付けていくような感じです。その後はガラスプライヤーでその線からガラスを割ります。ガラスカッターを一定の角度・力で線を付けて行くことが大事なんだそうです。ガラスを切る時点で覚えることが沢山ありそうです…。 2. I… [Read more]
Oct. 10, 2019 | Posted in
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Mariko Kato, Jewelry Making
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Jewelry Making
Jewelry Making vol.2 (Summer Intensive Course – Mariko)
金曜日はアートビジットで学校から徒歩すぐのサンミケーレガエターノ教会へ、土曜日はカルチャービジットでフィレンツェから電車で40分ほど離れたピストイアという街へ小旅行に出かけました。ガイドさんと通訳さんが街の歴史や美術的な知識を説明してくださいます。 特にピストイアは観光客が少なく、中世の雰囲気が残る街並みや地元の方の暮らしぶりを垣間見ることができ、とても良い機会になりました。 … [Read more]
Oct. 10, 2019 | Posted in
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Jioh Kang, Woodworking
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Furniture Making & Restoration vol.6 (One-Year Course – Jioh)
Once the animal glue on inlay plates has been complete dried off, you will witness the gaps in between the positive and negative space. To mend the gaps in between, mix gesso powder with color powde… [Read more]