Accademia Riaci
Student Reports

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Mar. 06, 2020 | Posted in Senza categoria , | Tags:, Reporter: | Course: Painting and Drawing

Painting and Drawing One-Year Course (n.3)

Week 3
Monday 16th

Had a drawing lesson, the lesson was based around improving the drawing skills from last Wednesday, with a different media focusing closely on symmetry and angles of the sculpture. (image1)
I decided to experiment with a regular HB pencil and used 2B and 6B for darker shading.

After this, I decided to try my first Italian Gelato (image 2) tiramisu and melon, and sat along the riverfront.
Then went for a walk up the Michelangelo viewing point. (image 3)
On my way down I found an impressive Museum for sculpture and jewellery with an artist studio and a unique perfume shop. (Image 4,5)

Painting Drawing blog

Painting Drawing blog

Painting Drawing blog

Painting Drawing blog

Painting Drawing blog

Wednesday 18th
Using the same sculpture as Monday’s session, I decided to try a different approach using a sepia pencil. I was fatigued and struggled a lot for focus and concentration. (image 6)
Eventually, I managed to get some shading techniques after face mapping for what felt like the whole lesson.

The basic lesson was interesting. We learnt more about the 1st generation of the Medici family. Followed by how they used to move around the city above the Ponte Vecchio to the countryside retreat, and discovered some Italian words. After this, I met one of my friends, and we went up the Michelangelo’s view on a Vespa to see the sunset. (image 7,8)

Painting Drawing blog

Painting Drawing blog

Painting Drawing blog

Thursday 19th
Today I went back to the lemon painting I started last week from the base colour in today’s session. I got to work more with shading and shadows to make the image come together. It was slightly frustrating as the still life had changed since last week, so I felt like my image was off and entirely right. (image 9)

After class, I went back to the apartment for a rest, then headed back out to meet my classmates for a meal outside the Duomo. (Image 10)
After I decided to go for a walk and came across a fantastic fireworks display next to the Ponte Vecchio. (image 11)

Painting Drawing blog

Painting Drawing blog

Painting Drawing blog

Friday 20th
As a group, we set off early to Badia Fiorentina (image 12,13) I loved the architecture and history of this church the alter was remarkable.

Painting Drawing blog

Painting Drawing blog


Gelato Internship Course (#2) – Kazumi O

(2月3日) 今日は画像を使ってイタリア語レッスン。レッスンの後は、クラスメイトと散策兼ねてメルカート…
Language:   Reporter:
Course: Internship

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Gelato Internship Course (#1) – Kazumi O

(1日目) いよいよ留学生活スタート。時差でイタリア時間4時半起床。前日の23時到着で疲れているはずが…
Language:   Reporter:
Course: Internship

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Bag Making Summer Course (#16) – Yang Guk HONG

The production of the second bag has started. This …
Language:   Reporter:
Course: Bag Making & Leather Arts

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At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.

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