Reporter: Chisa
1月. 25, 2023 | Posted in
未分類 , Student Reporter | Tags:
Chisa, Painting and Drawing
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Painting and Drawing
Painting and Drawing Summer Course (n3)
🇯🇵 イタリア3週目
今週は、二つの絵を授業中に完成させました。一つはアクリル画の騙し絵で(Pic1)もう一つは油絵の静物画です(Pic2)どちらもとても集中して作業し、仕上げたので出来栄えもとても満足しています。(Pic3, 4, 5)
今週はフードコートのあるところで、久しぶりにアジア料理を食べました。(Pic6)お米が久しぶりに食べられ… [Read more]
12月. 13, 2022 | Posted in
未分類 , Student Reporter | Tags:
Chisa, Painting and Drawing
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Painting and Drawing
Painting and Drawing Summer Course N2 (Chisa)
🇬🇧 Italy Week 2
🇯🇵 イタリア2週目
🇬🇧 This week we went to the Uffizi Gallery. Botticelli's Primavera was a masterpiece and I was very moved.
… [Read more]
11月. 01, 2022 | Posted in
未分類 , Student Reporter | Tags:
Chisa, Painting and Drawing
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Painting and Drawing
Painting and Drawing Summer Course N1 (Chisa)
🇬🇧 First time in Italy
🇯🇵 初めてのイタリア
🇬🇧 First of all, I felt fresh in the townscape, which was completely different from Japan.
DZ… [Read more]
Painting and Drawing Summer Course (n3)
🇯🇵 イタリア3週目 今週は、二つの絵を授業中に完成させました。一つはアクリル画の騙し絵で(Pic1)もう一つは油絵の静物画です(Pic2)どちらもとても集中して作業し、仕上げたので出来栄えもとても満足しています。(Pic3, 4, 5) 今週はフードコートのあるところで、久しぶりにアジア料理を食べました。(Pic6)お米が久しぶりに食べられ… [Read more]
Painting and Drawing Summer Course N2 (Chisa)
🇬🇧 Italy Week 2 🇯🇵 イタリア2週目 🇬🇧 This week we went to the Uffizi Gallery. Botticelli's Primavera was a masterpiece and I was very moved. … [Read more]
Painting and Drawing Summer Course N1 (Chisa)
🇬🇧 First time in Italy 🇯🇵 初めてのイタリア 🇬🇧 First of all, I felt fresh in the townscape, which was completely different from Japan. DZ… [Read more]