Reporter: Emi Y

10月. 16, 2023 | Posted in 未分類 , | Tags: , Reporter: | Course: Summer Intensive Course
Italian Home Cooking Summer Course (#3) – Emi Y.

Every Sunday is Lampredotto trial production day. The process is to purchase Lampredot the day before at a store that sells raw hormones in the central market, and prepare it the next day. S… [Read more]

10月. 11, 2023 | Posted in 未分類 , | Tags: , Reporter: | Course: Summer Intensive Course
Italian Home Cooking Summer Course (#2) – Emi Y.

I heard that Chicca, who lives at the teacher's house, doesn't appear in public very often, so I'm glad she showed up! Chicca means "cute" in Italian. The teacher's playful smile was also Ch… [Read more]

9月. 27, 2023 | Posted in 未分類 , | Tags: , Reporter: | Course: Summer Intensive Course
Italian Home Cooking Summer Course (#1) – Emi Y.

Italian Home Cooking class. The Italian Mamma teacher! Before the lesson, he always asks me if I would like to go to a cafe. The espresso brewed with the pistachio-colored Bicchiere (special… [Read more]