Reporter: Mihaela Zaneva

10月. 27, 2017 | Posted in 未分類 , | Tags: , Reporter: | Course: Fashion Design
Fashion Design 2-Art short Course 2017

1. Florence from the sky is very beautiful. 空から見るフィレンツェはとてもキレイ! 2. And Duomo from the sky is very beautiful. I love it! 空から見るドゥオーモはとてもキレイ・大好き! 3. I saw a little “Pieta” i… [Read more]

10月. 13, 2017 | Posted in 未分類 , | Tags: , Reporter: | Course: Fashion Design
Fashion Design 1-Art short Course 2017

I came to Florence after 30 hours travelling by bus and the only one thing, which I want to see is where is my apartment. So, it was nice. 30時間バスに揺られてフィレンツェまで来ました。唯一見たかったのは私のフラット。良い所でした。 … [Read more]