Reporter: Priyanka Dhingra
9月. 06, 2022 | Posted in
未分類 , Student Reporter | Tags:
Priyanka Dhingra, Painting and Drawing
Reporter: | Course:
Painting and Drawing
Painting and Drawing Short Course (n.10)
Today I started another portrait. Working on a larger size canvas with oils it’s good to practice and further learn the skills.
Under the guidance of p… [Read more]
8月. 18, 2022 | Posted in
未分類 , Student Reporter | Tags:
Priyanka Dhingra, Painting and Drawing
Reporter: | Course:
Painting and Drawing
Painting and Drawing Short Course (n.9)
oil painting is a steady but slightly slower process as it takes a lot of practice and time. Now experimenting with self portraits as part of my project series.
… [Read more]
8月. 04, 2022 | Posted in
未分類 , Student Reporter | Tags:
Priyanka Dhingra, Painting and Drawing
Reporter: | Course:
Painting and Drawing
Painting and Drawing Short Course (n.8)
Day 1: Monday
Working on several small studies to improve my skills with professor Allesandro. Working with Oils on Paper.
Day 2
Continuing my painting… [Read more]
7月. 27, 2022 | Posted in
未分類 , Student Reporter | Tags:
Priyanka Dhingra, Painting and Drawing
Reporter: | Course:
Painting and Drawing
Painting and Drawing Short Course (n.7)
Attempting 4-5 self portraits in a row with oil paints on paper and gesso surface takes time and the results give me a deeper understanding of this medium.
I attempt a large self portr… [Read more]
7月. 21, 2022 | Posted in
未分類 , Student Reporter | Tags:
Priyanka Dhingra, Painting and Drawing
Reporter: | Course:
Painting and Drawing
Painting and Drawing Short Course (n.6)
This week I visit Oscar Ghiglia ‘s exhibition in Florence as advised by professor Berti to study his oil painting style. Today I start a small study on my own.
As I am practicing and wo… [Read more]
7月. 13, 2022 | Posted in
未分類 , Student Reporter | Tags:
Priyanka Dhingra, Painting and Drawing
Reporter: | Course:
Painting and Drawing
Painting and Drawing Short Course (n.5)
Day 1 : This week I have to wrap up my pen and ink studies and project. After visiting Pietro Annigoni’s museum in Florence and studying his works in detail I am understanding various fine nua… [Read more]
7月. 08, 2022 | Posted in
未分類 , Student Reporter | Tags:
Priyanka Dhingra, Painting and Drawing
Reporter: | Course:
Painting and Drawing
Painting and Drawing Short Course (n.4)
Day 1 : Immersing My self further in the pen and technique and it’s various applications which have to be spontaneous and in a smooth flow I dwell deeper in several small and observant studies… [Read more]
7月. 02, 2022 | Posted in
未分類 , Student Reporter | Tags:
Priyanka Dhingra, Painting and Drawing
Reporter: | Course:
Painting and Drawing
Painting and Drawing Short Course (n.3)
Day 1
Today I started experimenting with the pen and black ink with Professor Alessandro guided me with technique along with the translator. Though I am familiar with this technique yet there… [Read more]
6月. 24, 2022 | Posted in
未分類 , Student Reporter | Tags:
Priyanka Dhingra, Painting and Drawing
Reporter: | Course:
Painting and Drawing
Painting and Drawing Short course (n.2)
Today I started work with another sculpture which had a more emotive face. Working with sanguine and sepia conte and water I practiced several quick portraits in different angles on brown pape… [Read more]
6月. 07, 2022 | Posted in
未分類 , Student Reporter | Tags:
Priyanka Dhingra, Painting and Drawing
Reporter: | Course:
Painting and Drawing
Painting and Drawing Short Course (n.1)
Day 1:
Accademia Riacci’s building structure is an inclusive and breathing part of the historic era Florentine architecture. The antiquity of this charming and quaint Art institute (well with… [Read more]
Painting and Drawing Short Course (n.10)
Monday Today I started another portrait. Working on a larger size canvas with oils it’s good to practice and further learn the skills. Tuesday Under the guidance of p… [Read more]
Painting and Drawing Short Course (n.9)
Monday oil painting is a steady but slightly slower process as it takes a lot of practice and time. Now experimenting with self portraits as part of my project series. … [Read more]
Painting and Drawing Short Course (n.8)
Day 1: Monday Working on several small studies to improve my skills with professor Allesandro. Working with Oils on Paper. Day 2 Continuing my painting… [Read more]
Painting and Drawing Short Course (n.7)
Attempting 4-5 self portraits in a row with oil paints on paper and gesso surface takes time and the results give me a deeper understanding of this medium. I attempt a large self portr… [Read more]
Painting and Drawing Short Course (n.6)
This week I visit Oscar Ghiglia ‘s exhibition in Florence as advised by professor Berti to study his oil painting style. Today I start a small study on my own. As I am practicing and wo… [Read more]
Painting and Drawing Short Course (n.5)
Day 1 : This week I have to wrap up my pen and ink studies and project. After visiting Pietro Annigoni’s museum in Florence and studying his works in detail I am understanding various fine nua… [Read more]
Painting and Drawing Short Course (n.4)
Day 1 : Immersing My self further in the pen and technique and it’s various applications which have to be spontaneous and in a smooth flow I dwell deeper in several small and observant studies… [Read more]
Painting and Drawing Short Course (n.3)
Day 1 Today I started experimenting with the pen and black ink with Professor Alessandro guided me with technique along with the translator. Though I am familiar with this technique yet there… [Read more]
Painting and Drawing Short course (n.2)
Today I started work with another sculpture which had a more emotive face. Working with sanguine and sepia conte and water I practiced several quick portraits in different angles on brown pape… [Read more]
Painting and Drawing Short Course (n.1)
Day 1: Accademia Riacci’s building structure is an inclusive and breathing part of the historic era Florentine architecture. The antiquity of this charming and quaint Art institute (well with… [Read more]