Accademia Riaci
Student Reports

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6月. 07, 2024 | Posted in 未分類 , | Tags:, Reporter: | Course: Art History

Art History Summer Course (#3) – Arisa T

By my third week in Italy, I am gradually getting used to the climate and culture and enjoying Italy more.

In the first half of this week, I had classes in the afternoon, so I woke up early in the morning and went to the Accademia Gallery; since it was on-season in May and I couldn’t get a reservation, I had to stand in line to buy a ticket on the day of my visit, which took two hours even before the doors opened! However, since I had prioritized classes and experiences since arriving in Italy, I was able to get inside while I was organizing my photos and replying to messages from friends that had piled up, so in a way it was a good thing (lol).
The area around the statue of David was crowded, but the rest of the museum was relatively easy to see, and I was able to take my time admiring the works of Michelangelo and Pontormo.

Art History blog
Art History blog After visiting the Accademia Gallery, the class visited Palazzo Vecchio. It was designed by Arnolfi Cambio, who planned the initial plan of the Duomo in Florence, and after becoming the residence of the Medici family, it is now used as the City Hall of Florence. The image shows the 500-seat hall.

Art History blog When classes are in the morning, students sometimes get take-out from a café right in front of the school and eat in the classroom. I have heard that Italians take their breakfast at a bar and start with a cappuccino and a croissant, so I choose the orthodox option. Since the café accepts voucher tickets, I use it frequently.

Art History blog In addition to my art history course, I also took home cooking as an elective class. We visit the homes of people who actually live in Italy and learn their recipes. I am not a frequent cook in Japan, but I really enjoyed the cultural differences in ingredients and cooking methods. In the image, vegetables are chopped with mezzaluna.

Art History blog This is the finished picture. I felt once again that the rice I made tastes as good as the hard work.

Art History blog After the home cooking class, I was recommended to go to Fiesole while having dinner with the teacher and the interpreter. It was a 20-minute bus ride from Florence to the top of the hill, and I was impressed by the beautiful scenery. At the Municipal National Museum, in addition to the Romano Amphitheater, visitors can enjoy the Bandini Museum, where Etruscan pottery and works by Botticelli and others are on display.

Art History blog On Saturday, we visited Siena for a cultural visit. It was difficult to walk on many slopes, but we managed to walk around because of the beautiful cityscape. I remember I was impressed by the reddish-brown color of the streets when my knowledgeable interpreter told me that the color “burnt sienna” comes from the color of the soil from Siena that is baked (burnt).

土曜日のCultural visitでは、シエナを訪れました。斜度の高い坂道が多く歩くのが大変でしたが、街並みが綺麗でなんとか歩き回っていました。赤褐色の街並みですが、博識の通訳さんから「バーントシェンナという色は、このシエナで取れた土を焼いた(burnt)色から由来している」と教えていただいて感動したのを覚えています。
Art History blog The Duomo of Siena with its beautiful Gothic facade. The inside is built in Romanesque style with a sense of dignity.

Art History blog Inside, there are many works of art, including famous works by Donatello and Nicola Pisano. The image is a mosaic on the floor, which we dealt with in class. In the center is a wolf, Romulus and Remus, drinking milk. Each animal in the circle is supposed to represent an Italian city, but they are said to be slightly different. I realized that only study abroad allows you to immediately go and appreciate what you have learned in class.

Art History blog On Sunday, I went to Pisa with my friends. We were of different ages, genders, and nationalities, so it was fun to talk with them and learn from them. We bought tickets to see the cathedral, Campo Santo, and five other places in Pisa.




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The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.

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