Accademia Riaci
Student Reports
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11月. 01, 2019 | Posted in 未分類 , Student Reporter | Tags:Taeko Matsumoto, CeramicsReporter: | Course: Ceramics
Ceramics Summer Course (n.2)

🇬🇧 Small farewell party: Another flatmate is leaving Italy tomorrow, so I’m going to make rice and have a small farewell party. It’s easy to exchange information about things to watch out for and things to keep in mind when living here, which is quite helpful.
🇯🇵 プチ送別会。フラットの子が明日イタリアを発つので、ご飯を作ってプチ送別会。フラットではこちらでの生活での注意点やポイントが情報交換しやすくて、結構助かっている。

🇬🇧 Rose Garden and Piazzale Michelangelo. I stopped at the Rose Garden on the way up the slope from San Miniato Gate to Piazzale Michelangelo. There weren’t many roses, but the Jean-Michel Folon sculptures were nicely placed and the garden was lovely.
🇯🇵 ローズ庭園とミケランジェロ広場。サンミニアート門から入りミケランジェロ広場へ登る坂道の途中にあるローズ庭園に寄った。バラはあまりなかったけど、Jean-Michel Folonの彫刻が心地良く置かれていて、素敵な庭だった。

🇬🇧 Since the class started at 16:00, I took a walk around the city. Many shops display colorful majolica pottery. When I entered a stationery shop called IL PAPIRO, the clerk gave me a demonstration of marble paper.
🇯🇵 授業が16時からだったので、街を散策した。マジョリカ焼のカラフルな陶器がディスプレイされている店が多い。IL PAPIROという文房具屋さんに入ると店員さんがマーブル紙の実演をしてくれた。

🇬🇧 Class: Stack the “lastre” (plate-like objects) and stack them using a dove called “a barbottina”. I wanted to make it look like a matryoshka doll, so my teacher demonstrated how to make curves. I was told that the curve form was a little difficult, but I did it surprisingly well.
🇯🇵 授業。Lastra(板状のもの)を積み上げてバルボッティーナと呼ばれるドベを使って積み上げていく。マトリョーシカ的な形にしたくて、カーブの作り方を先生が実演してくれた。カーブのフォルムは少し難しいと言われたけど、意外に上手くできた。

🇬🇧 I made a paper pattern and made a hexagonal lid with Lastra (plate-shaped clay). Decorated with Engobbio (embellishment, slipware). Paste the paper like a stencil and expose the red soil underneath. Scrape with lines to decorate. When baked, it becomes a contrast of red clay and white makeup.
🇯🇵 型紙を作ってLastra(板状の粘土)で六角形の蓋ものを作った。Engobbio(化粧土、スリップウェア)で装飾。ステンシル的に紙を貼って下の赤土を出す。更に線で削って装飾。焼くと赤土と白化粧のコントラストになる。

🇬🇧 “Scultura” (sculpture). First, make a rough shape with a lump, and once the form is decided, cut it in half to make the inside hollow. Or dig underneath. Then, the technique of re-attaching and molding finely. Finally, I decorated it with Engobbio.
🇯🇵 Scultura(彫刻)。先に固まりで大まかな形を作って、フォルムが決まったら、半分に切って中を空洞にする。もしくは下から掘る。そして、再びくっつけて細かく成形していく技法。最後はEngobbioで細かく装飾した。

🇬🇧 Indian food and farewell party. An Indian classmate told me about a delicious restaurant. It was also a farewell party for a college student who finished his course after two weeks and went home. It was a pleasure to take a class with her, who is honest and fun to work with.
🇯🇵 インド料理と送別会。インド人のクラスメイトが美味しいお店を教えてくれた。大学生の子が二週間コースを終えて帰るので、送別会にもなった。素直で楽しい作品を作っている彼女と一緒に授業を受けることができて楽しかった。

At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.