Accademia Riaci
Student Reports
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6月. 22, 2023 | Posted in 未分類 , Student Reporter | Tags:Margo K., Fashion DesignReporter: | Course: Fashion Design
Fashion Design Short Course (n1) – margo-k
First lesson is always an introduction. I made the presentation of my fashion brand to the Professor to understand adequate level of my studies and form the schedule of our 2 months studying. For me is very interesting to create with a person, who worked for luxury fashion brand with deep history and knowledge. We decided to create a fashion collection based on accessories and simple garments.
First lesson is always an introduction. I made the presentation of my fashion brand to the Professor to understand adequate level of my studies and form the schedule of our 2 months studying. For me is very interesting to create with a person, who worked for luxury fashion brand with deep history and knowledge. We decided to create a fashion collection based on accessories and simple garments.
Today we discussed all the ideas related to the collection: mood board of inspiration, style of the collection, customer’s image, decorative elements, accessories.
Firstly, there was quick fashion sketching. Accent of collection is concentrated on bags.
After raw imaging all the accessories described relating to each fashion model.
Today we discussed all the ideas related to the collection: mood board of inspiration, style of the collection, customer’s image, decorative elements, accessories.
Firstly, there was quick fashion sketching. Accent of collection is concentrated on bags.
After raw imaging all the accessories described relating to each fashion model.

Searching for the measurements of each bag detail: length, width, depth, number of pockets and functional elements.
First sketches of coloring of accessories.
During independent studies I visited the Museum of textile in Prato and Stock of fabrics for new collection.
Searching for the measurements of each bag detail: length, width, depth, number of pockets and functional elements.
First sketches of coloring of accessories.
During independent studies I visited the Museum of textile in Prato and Stock of fabrics for new collection.

Research of technical materials for bags. Contacts of important manufacturers.
Exact quantities of fabric for each bag, preparation of technical drawings and 3Ds
Research of technical materials for bags. Contacts of important manufacturers.
Exact quantities of fabric for each bag, preparation of technical drawings and 3Ds
Finishing of color blocking of collection with variants in raw sketches. Searching information about natural colour pigments for accessories.
(image 6,7,8)
Finishing of color blocking of collection with variants in raw sketches. Searching information about natural colour pigments for accessories.
(image 6,7,8)


At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.