Accademia Riaci
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8月. 27, 2021 | Posted in 未分類 , Student Reporter | Tags:Nabila Karimah, Fashion DesignReporter: | Course: Fashion Design
Fashion Design Master Course (n.11)
11th week lessons
This week lesson just continues my sustainable fashion collection. So far, I already draw more than 25 looks, but my Professor only approves 6 looks. This is the prosses of making a good collection, we have to curate which design is connecting with the mood board and whole concept ideas. Sometimes, you have to think more and get relax a little bit to find an innovative and interesting design that good for your customer market.
For Friday art visit scheduled is to visit Natalia Goncharova exhibition in Florence. Too bad that two weeks ago I already visit the exhibition with my Indonesian friend. What I remember that exhibition is a really good place to visit, so many interesting and beautiful painting from a different artist.
Life in Florence
For Friday art visit scheduled is to visit Natalia Goncharova exhibition in Florence. Too bad that two weeks ago I already visit the exhibition with my Indonesian friend. What I remember that exhibition is a really good place to visit, so many interesting and beautiful painting from a different artist.
Life in Florence
On November 13, 2019, Pola Cecchi the daughter of Giuliacarla Cecchi invited me to their annual year event Giuliacarla Cecchi award night. They invited me because I was the third winner of Giuliacarla Cecchi International Competition in 2014. From 2014, we still communicate with each other. It’s a pleasure for me to come and see the Pola Cecchi and the Finalist collections. Every finalist has different inspiration and uniqueness design. I feel proud when they announce the first winner of the 2019 competition is from Indonesia. It’s a night to remember, I finally can meet Pola Cecchi after 4 years.
Last Sunday, my best friend from Indonesia came to Italy, but unfortunately, she only travelling to Rome. So, I visit Rome to meet her, I’m so happy that I finally meet her after 3 months. In Rome we visit the tourist famous area like Vatican City, Trevi Fountain, and Colosseum. When we visit the Vatican City, we are so lucky to see the Pope is on a Sunday at 12 noon when he is in Rome. He appears from the window of the apartment where he gives a short speech followed by the Angelus and ending with a blessing. He also greets the crowds in various languages and the whole event usually lasts around 15-20mins. He will impart the Apostolic Blessing at the end of the prayer. Even in Rome whole day long is rainy but we still have a beautiful and good experience.

At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.