I arrived in Florence on Friday May 3rd 2024 so I had some time on weekend exploding the city before going to school. Luckily, my housemates were all nice, they welcomed me and showed me how to use tram and by that I was able to go around seeing the city on my own.

Firstly, I decided to visit Mercato Centrale Firenze and was overwhelmed by all the pastries, sandwiches and pizzas, etc looked absolutely delicious and gorgeous. I tried the strawberry tiramisu and it was much better than any tiramisu I’ve eaten anywhere before.

The next day of the weekend, my Italian housemate – who is very friendly and funny, guided me to Odeon cafe which is now the coffee shop together with the bookstore but was the theater before. As you can see many peoples came there reading, working or maybe just chatting and enjoying the beautiful place.

My first week at school started, the Italian professor explained to me the basic themes of designing a product. After that, I got my first task to design a shelf and the teacher wanted it to be extraordinary and interesting. I came up with an idea and he supported me to develop it in many ways.

I finally had the chance to meet up with Ms. Hiromi, she had been following me after the competition, on my way of applying for visa and till today. Both Ms. Hiromi and Ms. Emanuela were very supportive, that helps a lot for someone comes from Non-EU area like me, everything here in Italy is totally different from my country.

The school’s location is in the city center so it’s somehow pretty convenience if I want to go wandering around after or before class. There was a day after finishing school, I took a 10 minutes walk to try one of the most famous sandwich in the world located in Florence.

In my study program, I have the drawing class with Bic pen. It is interesting to me since I can learn the motion of the pen, it also helps me in sketching my ideas as I know how to control the pen, the sketches would be easier.

One week after my arrival to Italy, with the detailly support from the school staffs, I went to Ufficio Postale to apply for my Permesso di soggiorno, the progress was smoothly and I had my next appointment in September. I was once blown away by how beautiful the post office in Florence is.

On Friday every week, I’ll have an art visit from school. This first week, I and some other students were shown around the city center by Mr. Andrea. He took us to some historical buildings and explained the stories of those.

This art work was created to commemorate the deaths happened by the mafia back then in Florence. The statue was made by bronze like many others here but was now being oxidized. Soon, it will be restored to the original material.

The art visit this week was ended and I was not only able to listen to some interesting stories about the city through the architectures and figures but also make some new friends from other ethnicities.