Accademia Riaci
Student Reports

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6月. 08, 2024 | Posted in 未分類 , | Tags:, Reporter: | Course: Interior Design

Furniture Design One-Year Course (#3) – K T Truong

Third week in Florence has passed and it was also an exciting week!
Furniture Design blog My first project came to some last steps during this week. After completing the shape of the shelf, I moved to the next important step by deciding the materials. The teacher taught me about characteristics of each material so I could choose the suitable and possible one for my design. My interpreter was very supportive, he helped me rendering my project after I got ideas for the material’s options.
Furniture Design blog I had been hearing about the famous Fiorentina steak and now just had the chance to try this dish. The portion was massive yet delicious, there was no sauce just the sizzling steak was served together with the potatoes so we could taste the natural flavour of the ingredients. Anyway, the steak was too much for me and Yuki san, we hardly finished it though it was good.
Furniture Design blog This week in Bic pen drawing class, I finished my sketch. The teacher said she was happy and again, she complimented my drawing which made me so cheerful and motivated to continue my next sketch. This time, I picked a more chanllenging painting full of curves and I would try to finish it better than my first sketch.
Furniture Design blog After finishing the material step which meant I and my teacher satisfied with one of the options. I moved on to the last step, technical drawing. This part was more complicated since I had to think about how the shelf could be attached and detached in a possible way. Working on every details of the product to produce the drawing that could be understood and performed by the craft man.
Furniture Design blog As any normal days, I usually arrived to school 30 minutes earlier so I could enjoy my breakfast in an Italian way at the coffee shop nearby, a capuccino and a croissant that in my personal taste I would prefer a regular one, not having filling inside because I would love to have a light, not too sweet breakfast.
Furniture Design blog This week’s art visit, we learned about Dante, an important and famous Italian in literature field. We visited Dante Church where he met his muse Beatrice for the first time and fell in love with her. Nowadays many tourists came and left their locks together with letters as promises for their loves.
Furniture Design blog For the weekend, me and my Japanese friends decided to come to Pisa – a must visited place in Italy with the famous lean tower. First, we arrived to the Museo Nazionale di San Matteo and had the chance to see many art works were created for hundred years.
Furniture Design blog This is one of the most famous art work there named San Paolo and painted by Masaccio. The painting depicts the saint with his traditional symbols – the book and the sword. The materials are tempera and gold on wood.
Furniture Design blog We came to a well-known sandwich shop in Pisa for lunch – I Porci Comodi and they did not disappointed us. The sandwiches were so good that we think it is worth waiting since the shop was kind of crowded.
Furniture Design blog After lunch, we headed to our main destination in this journey – the Pisa tower. As expected the tower was surrounded by many people but we did enjoy our time there and had so much fun together!



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At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.

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