Accademia Riaci
Student Reports
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7月. 12, 2024 | Posted in 未分類 , Student Reporter | Tags:Kha Tu TRUONG, Interior DesignReporter: | Course:
Interior Design

For the new project this week, my teacher suggested me to start from a material, therefore I decided to choose acrylic because I enjoy the aesthetic of it, can be transparent but can also be colorful, the texture is stable and able to be shaped.

I wanted to try something I had never done before that’s why I picked orange squeezer to be my designed object this time. I had to focus on the characteristics of the material to find an idea for my object together with both keeping and highlighting the function.

I started my new subject this week – The basic Renaissance Art history. Very interesting and the lessons pretty much related to Florence as Florence usually known as the birth place of the Renaissance.

Even though I know Italian don’t eat meatballs and pasta together but I myself just as many others non-Italian think it’s not a bad combination so I learned to cook and treated myself with meatballs pasta this week.

This month’s art stage I visited Florence Charter House in Galluzzo. This charter house was founded by a noble man from Naples.

The charter house was later passed to the Cistercian therefore many monks were living there. This is the courtyard and each roof is a private place of each monk.

There are five frescoes by Pontormo and other frescoes by other artists. This charter house has many beautiful artworks and amazing interior.

Also each furniture is detailly decorated and sculptured from woods. Here you can see all the chair handles have different faces. They were all hand-crafted at that time of course, which is so wonderful.

My Italian teacher recommended me to try Stracchino cheese so I first time had it with bread and some honey on top to balance the salty. I had it together with the liver salami I bought in my trip to Rome last week. They were all fantastic.