Accademia Riaci
Student Reports

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5月. 10, 2019 | Posted in 未分類 , | Tags:, Reporter: | Course: Woodworking

Woodworking & Furniture Restoration One-Year Course (n.2)

Jewelry Design blog
Animal Glue, the old and traditional adhesive, containing gelatin and create connecting tissues by boiling in dual pot. Which allows the glue to not be directly heated by fire, in addition of some water, over time it becomes completely fluid as it drips down by tip of the brush.

Interior Design blog
As I’ve binding all the pieces by gluing newspaper on a surface, now it’s time to attach the wood sheet on a thicker board.

Interior Design blog
Apply enough animal glue to cover the surface for the wood sheet, also to apply on a surface where there no attachment of newspaper.

Interior Design blog
The limitlessness of animal glue is it’s reversible, meaning by cleaning the surface with a sponge soaked in hot water will allow the glue to be reversed and detach itself from the surface.
As I have gently soaked the surface of newspaper with a sponge, carefully, with a heavy metal scraper peel off the newspaper as the animal glue reserves.

Interior Design blog
Cut out of a new design, the Vase.

Interior Design blog
Layouts of pieces to put them back into the negative space sheets.

Interior Design blog
Friday visit Florence class at Cenacolo di Sant’Apollonia.

Interior Design blog
Andrea del Castagno’s work the last supper. He was one of the important renaissance painter during 15th century. His technique to express the real sensation and visual effect of marbles are certainly wordless.

Interior Design blog
Seems to be a base sketch of Image 7.

Interior Design blog
Little detail in the corner of Mural, by the sides of disciples and the Jesus in middle. Almost like a decorative frame, elegant sculpture. Framing the last moment of the pure holiness on a wall.

Interior Design blog
Chairs in the hall, all beautiful and rigidly arranged. I think of a receptacle and peduncle for humans.

Interior Design blog
Class, enjoying and intrigued by surroundings of the marvelous ancient inspirations.



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At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.

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