Accademia Riaci
Student Reports

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7月. 28, 2022 | Posted in 未分類 , | Tags:, Reporter: | Course: Summer Intensive Course

Italian Home Cooking Summer Course N1 (Yuri)

🇬🇧 1st week – Summer Course In addition to 4 cooking lessons a week, there were also art visits and cultural activities, so it was a very fulfilling week! In the summer, it’s light until night, so I went sightseeing with the students of the same course after the lesson♪I felt safe because I could ask the interpreter and the school staff anything I didn’t understand about life in Italy. it is complete.
🇯🇵 サマーコース1週間目 料理の週4レッスンに加えて、アートビジット、カルチャーアクティビティなどもあり、とても充実した1週間でした!夏は夜まで明るいのでレッスン後に同じコースの生徒さんと観光に行ったりもしました♪イタリア生活で分からないことは、通訳さんや学校のスタッフの方に気軽に質問が出来て安心して過ごすことが出来ました。
Home Cooking blog
🇬🇧 The apartment has a very cute interior with a different atmosphere from Japan, and the tension has risen! Living with children of different nationalities and ages is very fresh and fun ^^
🇯🇵 アパートは日本とは違った雰囲気のとても可愛い内装でテンションが上がりました!国籍、年齢の違う子達との生活はとても新鮮で楽しいです^^
Home Cooking blogArt Visit
🇬🇧 Knowing the history and background will change the way you look at the buildings you have just seen. During the one-and-a-half-hour art visit, I was able to learn a lot about the Medici family. On the way back, the members who participated went to a gelato shop♪
🇯🇵 歴史や背景を知ることにより、さっきまでみていた建造物も見方が変わります。1時間半のアートビジットでメディチ家に関することを深く学ぶことが出来ました。帰りに参加したメンバーでジェラート屋さんに行きました♪
Home Cooking blog
🇬🇧 During the summer course, the school will give you a lot of drink and meal vouchers. I used the voucher to spend time with other students in the same course at delicious restaurants and cafes♪
🇯🇵 サマーコースでは沢山のドリンクとミールバウチャーを学校からいただきます。バウチャーを使って同じコースの生徒さんと美味しいレストランやカフェで過ごしました♪
Home Cooking blog
🇬🇧 You can learn a lot of items at once! When an unfamiliar ingredient comes out, the interpreter and all the participating students will talk about “If you can substitute it in Japan, maybe…?” The way the vegetables are cut and seasoned alone is very fresh!
🇯🇵 1度に沢山の品数を学ぶことが出来ます!見慣れない食材が出てきたときには、通訳さんや参加生徒のみんなで「日本で代用するなら〇〇かな~?」とお話ししたりもします。野菜の切り方や味付け一つでもとても新鮮です!
Home Cooking blog
🇬🇧 Depending on the teacher, I was able to learn in various places such as home kitchens and restaurant kitchens! The main dish of the day is Arancino. I learned a lot about Arancino’s regional names and Italian cuisine.
🇯🇵 先生によって家のキッチンであったり、レストランの厨房だったりと、様々な場所で教わることが出来ました!この日のメインはアランチーノです。アランチーノの地域によっての呼び名やイタリア料理に関することも沢山教わりました。
Home Cooking blog
🇬🇧 I want to make this kind of dish! I also accepted the request. On this day, I also made tomato and tuna pasta requested by other students so that they can easily enjoy the taste of Italy when they return to Japan! It was so easy and delicious!
🇯🇵 こういう料理を作ってみたい!とリクエストも受け付けて下さいました。この日は日本に帰ったら手軽にイタリアの味を楽しめるように、他の生徒さんがリクエストしたトマトとツナのパスタも作りました!とっても手軽で美味しかったです!
Home Cooking blog
🇬🇧 I also make desserts every time. This day was tiramisu, and it was very delicious♪
🇯🇵 毎回デザートも作ります。この日はティラミスで、とっても美味しかったです♪
Home Cooking blogCultural Activity
🇬🇧 We went to the Leaning Tower of Pisa! After a week, I became friends with the students who participated in the same period, and I felt like I went on a trip with my friends.
🇯🇵 Pisaの斜塔へ行きました!1週間経つと、同じ時期に参加した生徒さんとも仲良くなり、友達同士で旅行に行った気分でとても楽しかったです♪
Home Cooking blog
🇬🇧 I went to Santa Maria Novella Church on my day off. The church was quiet and very beautiful.
🇯🇵 お休みの日にサンタマリアノヴェッラ教会へ行きました。教会は静かでとても綺麗でした。
Home Cooking blog



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At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.

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