Accademia Riaci
Student Reports
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12月. 07, 2022 | Posted in 未分類 , Student Reporter | Tags:Wenjie, Interior DesignReporter: | Course:
Interior Design

The professor ask us to design a bookshelf.This is my first time to try to design furniture.I try to design for a bookstore to make the books display look more interesting and I choosed the material in acrylic to make it look not so heavy.But professor taught me acrylic is quite cost so my idea seems too unreality.

The drawing in the papper is what professor drew to teach me how to make the bookshelf in acrylic with my design.And I used the CAD to draw in down.This process made me understand how hard to design a furniture.

First day went to school with roommates! I’m lucky with 3 friendly japanese girls. Two of them are one day early arrived here then they already know how to take the train to school and even know the way from station to school.

We are too early to arrived school so find the cafe to take breakfast before go to school. First time to order in italian was so nervous! ‘’Un caffe per favore’’ use it immediately which I learned from the guide book.

Professor is telling his thoughts after seeing my classmate’s protfolio. My classmate Iaana is very beautiful girl and also an architect. Seeing people’s work is very good way to get many inspirations!

Professor is helping me to know how real scale of the bookshelf it is. In this way can make me know quickly the size I designed will be too small or too big and finding the best size for my bookshelf.

This is the sample of acrylic which the professor show me. How beautiful it is! It’s like sandwich which use one material such like bamboo, papper..exc. insert in two clear acrylic. It’s my first time to see the kind of acrylic i think japan also have. I’d like to find it when i back to japan.

The english interpreter saied he like one of my idea which is a UFO sharp of the bookshelf.
I actually like it too but think is too more unreality before. But when I asking the possibility to make it come ture. This topic seems interested my classmate so she joined and discussed with us.

First time went to the supermarket with roommates. Everything look so interested and the vegetable are so huge!! Look the paprika! It’s almost same big like my head! It must can be cooked by several times if i only cook for myself…

In the weekend i went to Venice. It’s really beautiful just like I imaged before.And the best thing made me feel thrilled is that i went to visit the ‘’Olivetti Exhibition center’’ the place was designed by the famous architect ‘’Carlo Scarpa’’.Very recommed people who like architecture to visit it.