Accademia Riaci
Student Reports

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2月. 04, 2019 | Posted in 未分類 , | Tags:, Reporter: | Course: Interior Design

Interior Design vol.4 – One Year 2018 (z.h.w)

Interior Design blog

Florence changing the weather, started autumn season and getting cold. I twist my foot badly in this week, so I missed it 2 classes. Bad mood…

I’m still thinking about the supporting for my work.
Prof. Bicci has shown his work done before; there’s so many hand drawing for details and the final project photo in early 30 years ago. (I have forgot the time) It is a modern residential, and I love the triangle shape created the space and light up the atmosphere. Is pleasure to work with a good client who has no limit on cost, because all of the materials costs so expensive.

Interior Design blog

Interior Design blog

Interior Design blog

Interior Design blog

Interior Design blog

Interior Design blog

Interior Design blog

Interior Design blog

Interior Design blog

Interior Design blog

This week Prof. Bicci explained about the electrical system and lighting required in commercial and residential in Italy. Something different with what I’ve done before for the lighting switches, normally we don’t often use 2 way switches, although new developer they don’t have provide as well. In Italy they think on the way which brings more convenient method for people, like the places that I’m staying is an old building more than 40 years, they had connected the lighting before built and line up every household for the stairs lighting.

Interior Design blog

Interior Design blog

Interior Design blog

Interior Design blog

Coming down we had a quiz to end up the history of Renaissance & Art lesson for this week, and next week will have a Color Theory lesson. At last a special weekend: we had a farewell to a friend who attended the course just for a month. Wonderful to meet someone different country and culture. Hope to have a chance to meet her again.

Interior Design blog



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At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.

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