Accademia Riaci
Student Reports

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9月. 14, 2022 | Posted in 未分類 , | Tags:, Reporter: | Course: Interior Design

Interior Design Summer Course (n.4)

Interior Design blog
🇬🇧 The school has entered the final week and the apartment has been completed.
🇯🇵 学校も最終ウィークに入りアパートも完成してきました。
Interior Design blog
🇬🇧 At first, I started drawing from the drawing and completed the launch in 3D. This time I designed the living room and bedroom.
🇯🇵 最初は図面から描き始め3Dで立ち上げ完成です。今回はリビングルームとベッドルームをデザインしました。
Interior Design blog
🇬🇧 I went to a cafe near my school. Some cafes charge a fee when you sit down, so this time I ate at the counter. We had the bread with pistachio cream inside and the bread dipped in rum, both were very good.
🇯🇵 学校近くのカフェに行ってきました。カフェによっては座るとチャージ料がかかってしまう所もあり、今回はカウンターに立って食べました。ピスタチオクリームが中に入ったパンとラム酒につけたパンがあり、どちらもとても美味しかったです。
Interior Design blog
🇬🇧 I went to a restaurant that I saw on YouTube. Their dishes are all delicious.
🇯🇵 YouTubeで見ていたレストランへ行ってきました。どれも美味しかったです。
Interior Design blog
🇬🇧 When I woke up this morning, there was a loud noise from outside, and when I looked outside, I saw that a car collided with another car and caused a collision accident. Since I’m in Florence, the roads are narrow and cars will ram me mercilessly, so I think I have to be careful.
🇯🇵 今朝起きたら外から大きい音がして外を覗くと車と車がぶつかり衝突事故を起こしていました。フィレンツェに過ごしていて道は狭いのに車が容赦なく突っ込んでくるので、気をつけないと、と思います。
Interior Design blog
🇬🇧 I ate “arancini” that I wanted to eat for a long time. There are many kinds of arancini, and the one with the squid ink is delicious.
🇯🇵 ずっと食べてみたかったアランチーニを食べてきました。中身の種類もたくさんあり、イカ墨が入っているのも美味しいみたいです。
Interior Design blog
🇬🇧 The Duomo at night is always beautiful.
🇯🇵 夜のドゥオーモもとっても綺麗でした。
Interior Design blog
🇬🇧 School ended in a blink of an eye! It was a great experience.
🇯🇵 あっという間だった学校も終了しました!とてもいい経験ができました。



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At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.

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