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11月. 16, 2015 | Posted in 未分類 , | Tags:, Reporter: | Course: Internship

Internship 11-Internship Course 2015 (Assistant1)


Mio MIYAZAKI_20151113_01

フランチェスコ ローマ法王がフィレンツェを訪問されました。

Pope Francis has visited Florence for attending the annual National Congress of the Italian Church, which was held from November 9th to 11th this year. It was the first visit to Florence by the Pope since 29 years ago. Florence was under traffic regulation from the previous day, and public schools located near the city center were closed on this visit day. There was a strict security check imposed on the people who came by to meet him.

Campo di Marteのスタジアムにヘリコプターで到着されてから移動、専用の車「Papa mobile」で旧市街まで周って来られました。このPapa mobileは、全教皇のヨハネパオロⅡが襲撃されてから、すべて防弾ガラスで覆われたものに変わりましたが、今回は街中でもスタジアムでもオープンな形のものでした。洗礼堂の前で停車し、下車されてからは洗礼堂、そしてドゥオモへと入り、今回の目的である、大会に参加されました。
その後Piazza Santissima Annunziataにある教会を訪問、Caritasというカトリックの組織で福祉支援や援助をしているところの食堂で、貧困で支援を受けている人たちと昼食会をし、15時半からはスタジアムで大規模なミサが開かれました。参加者はなんと5万人以上となりました。

After arriving Campo di Marte Stadium, the Pope went around in the historic center of Florence in his exclusive “Papa mobile”. Since the last Pope John Paul II’s assassination attempt by gunshot, the Pope’s car has been protected by bulletproof glass. But this time, he rode on a convertible-type “Papa mobile” in the stadium and also in the city. He got off in front of the Florence Baptistery, entered there and then to the Duomo to attend the Congress.
After that, he visited the church in Piazza Santissima Annunziata, where there is a meal kitchen for poor run by the Catholic Church’s charity, Caritas. There the Pope sat down for lunch with poor citizens supported by this charity. And from 15:30, a large Mass was held at the stadium with over 50,000 people attending.

またカトリック教会、信者にとって、法王は絶対的なものです。現在のフランチェスコ法王が就任するときに、「法王は間違うことができないということが、ものすごく重たい」ということを言っていました。法王は、正しくはSanto Padre(ローマ教皇)と呼ばれます。イタリアの休日は、ほとんどがカトリックのお祝いを基にしたものです。

Catholics are said to be about 80% of the population in Italy. (Others: Protestants, Judaism, Islam and Buddhism) *According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan’s data.
Vatican, where the Pope resides, is the head temple of the Catholic Church. It stands as Vatican City State, an independent nation, despite its location within Italy.
The Pope is an absolute being for the Catholic Church and its believers. When the Pope Francis took office, he said, “There is a huge amount of pressure to be the Pope, for the Pope cannot be wrong.” His official name is Santo Padre (the Pope). Most of the Italian holidays are based on the Catholic celebrations.

この日のために、あるとあらゆる警察官が繰り出され、かならず勤務につくことが言い渡されたそうです。警察官といってもイタリアは沢山の警察機構がありますが、Polizia di stato(国家警察),Carabinieri(国防省警察),Guardia di finanza(財務警察)、Polizia municipale(市警察・Vigili urbani 交通警察とも言います)、Corpo forestale(森林警備隊),Polizia penitenzaria(刑務警察)までも繰り出されていました。それぞれ制服や帽子の色が違うので、どこの警察なのかがわかります。

The security in Florence on the 10th was stricter than ever before.
Although it was a weekday, only motorcycles, bicycles and pedestrians were seen there with almost no cars. The street from the stadium to the city center, where the Pope went through, was most strictly guarded, with no car allowed and many police officers standing guard on the street.
All kinds of police officers in Italy, such as Polizia di Stato (National Police), Carabinieri(Ministry of Defense Police), Guardia di Finanza (Financial Police)、Polizia Municipale (Municipal Police), Corpo Forestale (State Forestry Corps) and Polizia Penitenzaria (Penitentiary Police) were called out to be on duty on this day. Each police group wears uniforms and caps in its own color so it’s easy to tell them apart.


The stadium was open from 11AM, and only the people with a previous reservation could attend the Mass. It became almost full a little past noon, a way before the entrance closed at 14:30. As Vescovi (cardinals) from all over Italy waited on the top of the altar, the Pope entered the stadium. Many people waved scarves here and there, and a big cheer of calling his name “Francesco! Francesco!” welcomed the Pope.
The stadium turned into a huge church for an hour and half as the Mass proceeded solemnly with wonderful orchestra and solo performances. After the Mass has finished successfully, the Pope returned to Vatican in his helicopter as people gave him a big cheer again.


By experiencing the Pope’s visit to Florence and seeing the most strict security ever, I got to know how honored and meaningful it was to have the Pope in town for Florence and its citizens.

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City center of the day before his visit.

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Chatting with police officer while waiting.

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Stadium is almost full already.

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Cardinals from all over Italy. The altar was temporarily built.

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The Pope’s exclusive white helicopter.



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At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.

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