Accademia Riaci
Student Reports

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9月. 27, 2023 | Posted in 未分類 , | Tags:, Reporter: | Course: Summer Intensive Course

Italian Home Cooking Summer Course (#1) – Emi Y.

Home Cooking blog Italian Home Cooking class. The Italian Mamma teacher! Before the lesson, he always asks me if I would like to go to a cafe. The espresso brewed with the pistachio-colored Bicchiere (special espresso equipment) is the best!
マンマの家庭料理教室の様子。ザ・イタリアンマンマの先生! レッスン前には必ず「カフェはいかが?」と声をかけてくれます。ピスタチオカラーのビッキエーレ(エスプレッソ専用器具)で淹れていただくエスプレッソは最高!
Home Cooking blog Lesson starts! Everything from the decorations in the room to the cooking utensils looks cute and makes me excited.
Home Cooking blog I took a break from lessons and went on a 3-night, 4-day trip to Puglia! While I was horrified by the fact that the prices were 1/2 to 1/3 that of Florence, I was captivated by the beautiful sea of southern Italy, the contrast between the white city and the deep blue sky, and the deliciousness of the seafood.
Home Cooking blog The vast vineyards of Primitivo. At the winery “CUTURI 1881” in Manduria, you will be guided through the organic cultivation of grapes, the wine-making process, and the life of Enologo, and you will taste 5 types of wine along with raw ham and cheese.
Home Cooking blog It was a very relaxing trip with lots of cats living in the winery.
Home Cooking blog The old town of Mesagne, where we will be staying, is relatively safe and has an atmosphere where you can enjoy walking in the morning and evening.
Home Cooking blog Southern Italy is all about the sea! ! The clear waters of Locorotondo and Polignano are the best views to cleanse your soul. Don’t forget your swimsuit when visiting! !
Home Cooking blog
The triangular pyramid-shaped trulli houses are a world cultural heritage site in Alberobello. The rooftop of the shop, named after the Japanese Yoko, is a luxurious space overlooking the “trulli” cityscape from a hill!
Home Cooking blog I returned to Florence, my hair being pulled back by the sun and wind of southern Italy. Before lessons resume, I went to the trattoria to share recipes with my fellow lesson mates! In the end, we had so many delicious dishes and stories that we couldn’t share a single thing, haha, but the experience of sharing the taste of each dish with fellow cooks and being able to communicate our thoughts in detail was an experience that would be hard to replace with anything else. became. “Bistecca alla Fiorentina” is also great!
南イタリアの太陽と風にうしろ髪引かれながら、フィレンツェに帰還。レッスン再開前に、同じレッスン仲間とお休みの間のレシピを共有するためトラットリアへ! 結局、美味しいお料理とお話に花を咲かせて一つも共有できず笑 ですが、料理仲間と一皿一皿の味わいを共有し、細かに思いを伝え合える体験は何物にも変え難い経験になりました。ビステッカ・アッラ・フィオレンティーナも最高!
Home Cooking blog Collect ingredients for “Lampredotto” at the local supermarket “Esselunga”. Broad vegetables made with Italian vegetables are different from hydroponically grown vegetables in Japan! Each one is rich and delicious! ! I still need to make adjustments, but I will continue to grow by asking my cooking class teachers, roommates, and friends I made here to try it out.



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At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.

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