One ring was completed on the second day of class. It was difficult because I had never used the tools before, but it was fun to learn new things.

I had an espresso in the morning before class using the drink voucher I got from school. In Japan, we don’t have the habit of drinking coffee at the store in the morning, so it was nice and fresh.

After school, I went for a walk on Ponte Vecchio. I enjoyed window shopping and seeing the many precious metals lined up.

There was a carving class. It was my first time carving and it was difficult. After the class was over, I went to buy some carving tools as a souvenir, since it is difficult to buy them in Japan.

Since we didn’t have class, I walked up to Piazzale Michelangelo. I could see a panoramic view of Florence, and the fatigue from walking was blown away.

I ate gelato on the way back from Piazzale Michelangelo. Gelato is famous, so I would like to try it at many different shops.

I took part in the Guided Art Visit. I have already come to see it myself, but listening to the explanation gave me a different perspective and it was interesting.
Art visitで説明を聞きながら回りました。自分でも見に来ていましたが、説明を聞きながらみるとまた違う見方が出来て面白かったです。

After the art visit, I went out to dinner with my friends using the meal voucher I got from school. The food was delicious and we had a great time.
Art visitの後に学校からのmealチケットを使い友人達と食事へ行きました。料理も美味しく楽しい時間が過ごせました。

We went to Pistoia for the Cultural Trip included in the Summer Course. It was very interesting and different from Florence.
Cultural Activityでピストイアへ行きました。フィレンツェとはまた違った街並みで面白かったです。

I traveled to Siena by bus with a friend. We went to Piazza del Campo and climbed the Mangia Tower. Climbing the stairs was difficult, but the moment I saw the view, I felt great.