Accademia Riaci
Student Reports

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6月. 15, 2019 | Posted in 未分類 , | Tags:, Reporter: | Course: Jewelry Making

Jewelry Making vol.3 (Master 2019 – Pamela)

My jewelry pieces are going well, advancing, nothing fully done yet since some pieces will only be ready when they are engraved and I haven’t started those classes yet. Others need the stone setting and that took me some time to learn well. I hadn’t realized how badly I need glasses until I started learning the stone setting techniques that Monica teaches us, and because I couldn’t see properly what I was doing I spent about 3 weeks not really understanding, nor seeing correctly!!! When Monica lent me her magnifying glasses my whole world changed!!! So I ordered magnifying glasses through Amazon and in a matter of an hour I understood, learnt and did correctly the most difficult of the settings, the one that seems to invisible!!!! It was an “AHA” moment for me, for before that I was frustrated to the maximum and doubting my abilities, but after that Godly hour I felt so empowered and myself again 
That was the last class with Monica before the school’s break.

Mis piezas de joyeria van bien, avanzando, no hay ninguna finalizada totalmente pues algunas piezas deben ser engrabadas y esas clases no las he comenzado aun. Otras necesitas los engastes de las piedras y eso me tomo un tiempo aprenderlo. No me habia dado cuenta lo mucho que necesitaba lentes hasta que empeze a aprender el tipo de engaste que Monica nos ensena, Y como no veia bien lo que estaba haciendo se me pasaron alrrededor de 3 semanas sin ver y sin entender bien lo que estaba haciendo!!!! Cuando Monica me presto sus lentes de aumento mi mundo cambio 180 grados!!! Y fue asi como compre unos lentes de aumento por Amazon y en una hora entendi, aprendi e hice casi a la perfeccion el mas dificil de los engastes, el que parece invisible!! Fue un momento de realizacion para mi, porque antes de eso estaba frustrada al maximo y dudaba de mis capacidades, pero despues de esa hora bendita me senti empoderada y yo misma denuevo 
Esa fue mi ultima clase con Monica antes de las vacaciones.

Jewelry Design blog

Jewelry Making blog

Jewelry Making blog

For the break I went to Barcelona to visit my fiancée and help him put together our new home there, but that only happened a couple of days after I arrived since I was still sick when I landed there. He took great care of me, I am extremely blessed to have him by my side!!!!
After I recovered I started working on our home and in the evenings I was practicing the stone setting technique that I was able to manage before leaving and in my humble opinion I’m getting quite good at it, I actually like it a lot and I enjoy it greatly, which makes me think I’ll enjoy the engraving technique SO MUCH!!

Para las vacaciones fui a Barcelona a visitar a mi novio y ayudarle a armar nuestro Nuevo hogar alla, pero eso paso solamente un par de dias despues de haber llegado, pues cuando llegue todavia estaba enferma. El me cuido y ayudo a que estuviera bien al 100% en poco tiempo, la verdad soy muy afortunada en tenerlo al lado mio!!!
Despues de que me recupere empeze a trabajar en nuestra casa y en las noches practicaba el engaste que aprendi antes de irme y en mi humilde opinion, me estoy volviendo bastante buena en eso, y debo decir que me gusta bastante y que de verdad lo disfruto, y esto me hace pensar que cuando llegue la hora de aprender engravado lo voy a disfrutar al maximo!!

Jewelry Making blog



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At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.

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