Accademia Riaci
Student Reports
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12月. 12, 2022 | Posted in 未分類 , Student Reporter | Tags:H.N., Painting and DrawingReporter: | Course: Painting and Drawing
Painting and Drawing Summer Course N1 (H.N.)
🇬🇧 In the first week, from Mon to Wed, I learned drawing from Prof. Berti. I did a still-life drawing for one day and a plaster drawing for two days.
🇯🇵 最初の週、月曜日~水曜日はベルティ先生にデッサンを教わりました。静物デッサンを一日、石膏デッサンを一日一枚ずつ二日行い、都度丁寧に修正指示を頂いて少しずつ物の位置関係や立体感を理解することができました。

🇬🇧 This tool, which has a thread attached to the weight, is used to see the length ratio of an object and is used for the same purpose as a scale. He taught me that by constantly using this tool to see things, I could gradually learn the proportions, and eventually, I would be able to see things correctly without this tool. It was my first time learning how to draw and use tools, so while I was nervous, I was able to gain a lot of knowledge.
🇯🇵 おもりに糸がついているこの道具は、対象物の長さの比率を見るための道具で、スケールと同じ用途で使います。これを絶えず使って物を見ることで、徐々に比率を覚えることができ、いずれこの道具がなくても正しく物を見ることができると教えてくれました。

🇬🇧 On Thursday, I learned the technique of tracing with thin paper and needles, charcoal, or Conté before doing realistic coloring with Mr. Puccioni. First, place the original drawing on a thin sheet of paper and trace it with a pencil. Scrape the unevenness of the hole with sandpaper, turn it over again, and rub the charcoal on the paper so that the charcoal that falls from the hole leaves a mark on the paper just like the original line drawing. Connect them with a pencil to complete the trace. I was deeply moved by experiencing the traditional techniques that have been passed down to the present day and feeling the history.
🇯🇵 木曜日はプッチオーニ先生に写実的な着彩を行う前の、薄い紙と針、木炭またはコンテを使ったトレースの技法を学びました。まず薄い紙の下に元となる絵を敷き鉛筆でなぞった後、裏返して針で線の上にそって等間隔で穴を開けます。開けた穴の凹凸を紙ヤスリで削り、再び裏返して紙に木炭を擦ることで穴から落ちた木炭が元の線画と同じように紙に跡を残します。それを鉛筆で繋げ合わせることでトレースが完成します。現代まで受け継がれている昔ながらの技法を体験し、歴史を感じて感慨深く思いました。

🇬🇧 Also, during breaks, the interpreter gave me detailed information about Italian art museums and art supply stores near the school. gave me It’s very reassuring.
🇯🇵 また、休憩時間には通訳の方がイタリアの美術館や学校近くの画材店について詳細に教えてくださり、授業のための画材が足りないときは一緒に画材店まで付き添って購入の手助けをしてくれました。とても心強いです。

🇬🇧 It was a very fulfilling first week after school. This is the Church of Santissima Annunziata. The exterior of the church was simple and the building itself was a little compact, but when I went inside, the interior was decorated with many religious paintings and gorgeous decorations, and it was a solemn and gorgeous church. I stopped by on my way to buy art supplies after class. It’s about a 12-minute walk from the school.
🇯🇵 放課後の時間もとても充実した一週目でした。こちらはサンティッシマ・アンヌンツィアータ教会。外観はシンプルで建物自体もややコンパクトに感じたのですが、中に入ると内装に沢山の宗教画と煌びやかな装飾が施されていて、荘厳で絢爛な教会でした。授業の後、画材を買いにいく途中で立ち寄りました。学校から歩いて12分ほどの場所にあります。

🇬🇧 This is “ZECCHI”, a famous art supply store in Florence. The staff were very kind, and with the help of the interpreter, I was able to get all the art supplies I needed for the class.
🇯🇵 こちらはフィレンツェでも有名な画材店『ZECCHI』。店員の方々がとても親切で、通訳の方のお力添えもあり無事に授業に必要な画材を揃えることができました。

🇬🇧 I like tarot and oracle cards, and this bookstore called “Libreria Salvemini Firenze” carries them, and the shelves behind the cash register were decorated with cards! I am thrilled to be able to get the card that I have wanted since I was in Japan. The owner of the shop was very kind and happily told me about the oracle cards I bought, saying, “These are very beautiful cards.” As for the contents of the card, if you ask a question, they will show you an image of the contents of the card using a PC. The store is full of books all the way to the back, giving it a mysterious atmosphere, but it is constantly visited by customers of all ages, including families with children, women, and middle-aged men. I was talking to you so much fun. It was a homely and wonderful shop. We plan to stop by again.
🇯🇵 私はタロット・オラクルカードが好きなのですが、こちらの『Libreria Salvemini Firenze』という本屋さんでは取り扱いがあり、レジの後ろの棚一面にカードが飾ってありました!日本にいる時から欲しかったカードを手に入れることができ、感激です。店主の方はとても優しく、私が購入したオラクルカードについて「とても美しいカードだよ」と嬉しそうに語ってくれました。カードの中身については、質問すればPCを使ってカードの内容の画像を見せてくれます。お店の奥まで沢山の本がぎっしりと詰まっていて、不思議な雰囲気のお店ですが、親子連れやご婦人、中年くらいの男性など老若男女さまざまなお客さんが絶えず訪れていて、皆店主の方と楽しそうにお話をされていました。アットホームで素敵なお店でした。また立ち寄る予定です。

🇬🇧 It’s been a week and I’m slowly getting used to life. Next week, I will continue to work on my classes and look for ideas that will give me hints for my future work.
🇯🇵 1週間が経ち、生活にも徐々に慣れてきました。来週は引き続き授業に取り組みつつ、今後の仕事のヒントになるようなアイデアを探していきたいと思います。

At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.