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8月. 20, 2022 | Posted in 未分類 , | Tags:, Reporter: | Course: Painting and Drawing

Painting and Drawing Summer Course N2 (Haruka)

Painting and Drawing blog
🇬🇧 During the weekend’s Cultural Excursion, I took the train to Lucca. It is a small town surrounded by castle walls, and there are old-fashioned churches and buildings lined up in the city.
🇯🇵 週末のCultual Excursionでは電車を使ってLuccaへ行きました。城壁に囲まれた小さな町で、街中には昔ながらの教会や建物が並んでおり、歩いて観光していてとても心が落ち着きました。
Painting and Drawing blog
🇬🇧 On the recommendation of the interpreter, I went to eat truffle pasta in the market with a Japanese person on the same course and the interpreter. I’ve never eaten so many truffles, a luxury ingredient, so I was able to learn a new taste.
🇯🇵 通訳の方のおすすめで同じコースの日本人の方と通訳の方で市場にあるトリュフパスタを食べに行きました。高級食材であるトリュフを今までこんなに食べたことがなかったので、新しい味を知ることができました。
Painting and Drawing blog
🇬🇧 In painting production, I used these tools to draw pictures. At first glance, I was able to learn a lot of things I didn’t know about how to create and draw colors, such as the fact that even skin tones have areas with a lot of green and areas with a lot of red.
🇯🇵 絵画制作ではこれらの道具を使って絵を描いていきました。ぱっと見ただけでは肌色のところでも緑が多い部分と赤が多い部分があることなど、色の作り方や描き方に関して知らなかったこと、たくさんのことを学ぶことができました。
Painting and Drawing blog
🇬🇧 After school, I was able to go to the Uffizi Gallery, which I had always wanted to visit. Sandro Botticelli’s Birth of Venus and Leonardo da Vinci’s Annunciation were all famous works, and since I had learned about the difficulty of oil painting in class, I was able to learn more about the skill of the ancients. I could feel it.
🇯🇵 学校が終わった後は前から知っていて行ってみたかったウフィツィ美術館へ行くことができました。サンドロボッティチェリのヴィーナスの誕生やレオナルドダヴィンチの受胎告知など、どれもが有名な作品ばかりで、しかも授業で油絵の難しさを知った後だったので、昔の人の技術の凄さをさらに身に感じることができました。
Painting and Drawing blog
🇬🇧 It is a drawing book that was in the shop of the Uffizi Gallery. It was written down to the details of the body, and when I saw this book, it immediately caught my eye and I bought it. Now it’s a great reference when drawing the body.
🇯🇵 ウフィツィ美術館のショップにあったデッサン本です。体の細かな部分まで書かれていて、この本を見てすぐに目を惹かれ、買いました。今では体を描く際に大変参考になっています。
Painting and Drawing blog
🇬🇧 In the second week, I felt a little more relaxed, so I used the meal coupon I received from the school and had a delicious local pizza. I ate a pizza with salami, and it was spicy and I was able to enjoy the unique local taste.
🇯🇵 二週間目に入って、自分に少し余裕ができてきたので学校側からいただいたミールクーポンを使って地元のおいしいピザをいただきました。サラミの乗ったピザを食べ、辛味が効いていて地元ならではの味を楽しむことができました。
Painting and Drawing blog
🇬🇧 On the weekend, my father and grandfather, who came to Italy, went to the Accademia Gallery to see the statue of David. The real thing was still majestic, and I was overwhelmed by its size. My grandfather also liked it and bought a small replica of the statue of David on his way home. I’m glad the three of us went to see it.
🇯🇵 週末はイタリアに来た私の父と祖父と共にアカデミア美術館へダビデ像を見にいきました。本物はやはり威厳があって、その大きさに圧倒されました。祖父も気に入って、帰りにダビデ像の小さなレプリカを買っていました。三人で見に行けてよかったです。
Painting and Drawing blog
🇬🇧 On the day I left, I had free time in the morning, so I tried making perfume to enjoy Italy as much as possible. I chose about 3 or 4 scents that I liked and asked the store staff to mix them. I can use it after 20 days, so I’m really looking forward to seeing what it smells like.
🇯🇵 帰る日は午前中が空いていたので、なるべくイタリアを楽しもうと香水を作る体験をしました。自分で三つ四つほどの気に入った匂いを選び、それを店の人に調合してもらいました。二十日経ってから使えるそうなので、どんな匂いになっているかとても楽しみです。
Painting and Drawing blog
🇬🇧 It was a short time of two weeks, but the teacher kindly taught me carefully, and the painting was completed safely. There were some mistakes and failures, but in the end, it turned out to be something I was happy with and my family loved it. If I have another chance to go to Italy, I would like to learn more about painting.
🇯🇵 二週間という短い時間でしたが、先生も優しく丁寧に教えくださって、無事絵が完成しました。間違った部分や失敗したこともありましたが、最終的には自分の満足のいく作品になり、家族からも大好評でした。またイタリアにいく機会があったら絵に関してもっと学びたいです。



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At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.

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