Accademia Riaci
Student Reports

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7月. 13, 2022 | Posted in 未分類 , | Tags:, Reporter: | Course: Painting and Drawing

Painting and Drawing Short Course (n.5)

Painting and Drawing blogDay 1 : This week I have to wrap up my pen and ink studies and project. After visiting Pietro Annigoni’s museum in Florence and studying his works in detail I am understanding various fine nuances of Art. The variety of multi cultural and multi lingual interactive exchanges with other nationalities is also an enriching experience.
Painting and Drawing blogDay 2 : As I am practising and working on the pen and ink medium it’s very absorbing and at the same time challenging. I wrap up along with several self portraits and studies today.
Painting and Drawing blogDay 3 : Independent work hours to finish my project. Also start my new project on wooden board with trompe L’ olio.
Painting and Drawing blogDay 4 : It’s a national holiday and yet another day to explore this historical city. Visit the city of Siena with friends over the weekend.

Already looking forward to the 6th Week !



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At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.

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