Accademia Riaci
Student Reports
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8月. 23, 2018 | Posted in 未分類 , Student Reporter | Tags:David Dominguez, Painting and DrawingReporter: | Course: Painting and Drawing
Painting-Drawing 17-Master Course 2017 (Student2)
During the last week I have worked in the start of a new painting of medium dimensions. The painting has as subject the representation of an angel in a cosmic atmosphere, its body is composed of the matter around and that means that the colors and tones are almost the same, is a female angel. Is being developed in acrylic painting and also in airbrush technique to see how it goes.
A parallel exercise of wall painting has been started as well. Also I have been looking at some works of my classmates who are working portrait exercises mainly.

At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.