Accademia Riaci
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3月. 13, 2017 | Posted in 未分類 , | Tags:, Reporter: | Course: Restoration of Paintings

Painting Restoration 46-Internship Course 2015-2017

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My instructor cleaned this painting for me. After old discolored varnish was removed from its surface, the original clean pastel color appeared from underneath. At this point, discolored paints from the past restoration work got removed.

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I filled the defect with plaster, and then scraped the plaster off to the level of the original painting surface. I then rebuild the brush traces and fine lines of the canvas. After gouache applied as a base color dried, I varnished over it.

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More story from my half-day Genova visit. The Duomo in Genova was begun to build near the end of the 11th century in the Romanesque style. It was renovated in the middle of the 13th century in the Gothic style, so it now has 2 different construction styles mixed. Impressive white and green striped marbles decorate its facade and inside. Its gorgeous chapel was devoted to John the Baptist. It was made back in the Renaissance era to keep his Holy relics.



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