Accademia Riaci
Student Reports
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3月. 13, 2018 | Posted in 未分類 , Student Reporter | Tags:Li Shiau-Ting, ShoemakingReporter: | Course: Shoemaking
Shoe Making 10-Atelier Course 2017
In this week, I kept working on my Loafer Idea shoes with lasting process. When putting vegetable glue, we should took more care of not to glue too much on the upper. “Only need to put on the counter, lining and the inner one of U-tip” – Prof. Angelo said.
接著就要開始攀幫了! Idea的攀幫作法跟以往的結構很不一樣,鞋頭的部分也必須要保持鞋面打開,並用特殊的軟金屬固定住。
And then, we start lasting upper! The way of doing Idea lasting is very different from other constructions. The upper should kept opened with nails for the upcoming process.
The most exciting part was coming! When gluing outsole, nails need to remain on the last until we put on the sole. Insight picture, Prof. Angelo was showing this method and technique. (I was surprised)
Now, it was my turn. To take away the nail in the middle took me a lot of effort for doing it…
Photo shot after I took away all nails. I made it!
趁著假日天氣好,來參觀展覽11 spaces及穿梭在古建築裡冒險。
Walking around the city and saw the exhibition – 11 spaces.
十一月十七號是我的生日。一項低調的我,如往常沒有特別跟大家提起生日。但,驚喜的是…大家都記得,我好感動! 圖片裡可愛的barbarla正在幫我們倒perseco,當時的我完全不知道,這免費招待的香檳也將是驚喜的一部分 ((笑
17th November was my birthday and my classmates prepared a surprise for me. I’m so so happy and appreciate. And even prosecco was part of the surprise for free! Oh god, you guys are so sweet.
謝謝你們,我覺得很幸福 ☺ ☺
Thank you all, I felt more than happier.
Cheese cake from our classmate Yushih, super delicious!
晚上我們相約在西班牙TAPAS餐廳小聚,28歲生日快樂,新的一年要更加充實快樂! 這禮拜報告先到這裡囉,我們下禮拜見~
Hi, 28 years old. Best wishes for my friends and upcoming journey in my life. This is weekly report, see you next week~ (photo shot when we have little celebration at TAPAS restaurant)

At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.