Accademia Riaci
Student Reports
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6月. 15, 2018 | Posted in 未分類 , Student Reporter | Tags:Li Shiau-Ting, ShoemakingReporter: | Course: Shoemaking
Shoe Making 14-Atelier Course 2017
很快的,一年的課程就過了一半,這禮拜過去,聖誕節就要到來了。有些短期課程的同學,在星期五課程結束後就要回去他們的國家,我心裡覺得很不捨…有緣,還會相會的吧!? 我這樣想著…假期前的最後一個禮拜,我完成了我的樂福鞋,並且製作好男靴的鞋面。我帶了一些功課回家,計劃趁假期期間替下學期作準備。嗯,Shiau加油!
A year course has quickly come to the half term. After this week, Christmas break is coming and most of the short-term course students are going back to their country. A week before Christmas break, I had worked very hard to finish my loafer shoes as well as kept processing shoe-upper for men boots. I also planned to do some work during break time that I took some materials back home. Come on, Shiau! You can do it.
Insight the picture was the upper for my new derby boots design. After stitching all components, Prof. Angelo put a piece of reinforcement on the back of stitching part, in order to avoid cracked from pressure.
意外發現我一直在挑戰困難的鞋面,這款也不例外。由於版子比較複雜,跟教授、助教研究了許久,組合的時候也有點頭痛,但在每次過關斬將的過程中,感覺自己一點一點成長,覺得很有成就感 🙂
Though this pattern is complicated, I felt a sense of satisfaction when I figured it out with my professor and assistances. I’m progressing 🙂
工作做到有點累了,就來不正經一下吧! 把做好的測試版放在頭上,因為不同的款式跟高度好像戴上各種造型的帽子。哈囉! 今天我是彼得潘。
If you getting tired when you working too hard, let’s have some fun! Put your pattern-test on your head, it looked like you wear a hat in different shape. Hello! Today I’m Peter pan.
Photo shot when Monica choosing shoe heels. It was process that every shoemaker will face to if they made Donna shoes. Sometimes we said that, while picking a well fit heel, it is as exciting as gambling…
Meanwhile, Prof. Angelo was testing the channel with tools for Caterina. He dug the groove deeper and explained the reason why, this process should take more attention.
Insight the picture, Angelo was helping my upper with more glue. He said: this is a special pattern, you need to pay more attention to it when stitching the upper and gluing the pieces.
呼,終於大功告成! 這款靴子一樣採用焦糖色的皮革,因為是設計給男性,因此使用了的金屬眼釦,讓粗曠感提升。來看看同樣的皮面,能玩出什麼新花樣吧! 敬請期待。
Phew! I finally made it. I also use caramel color in this design. Because it is man boots, I used some elements to make it looked more masculine. How do it look with this leather? We will see. Stay tuned!
When heels were built on Thursday, my loafer shoe was almost finished. Let you take a look before removing the last.
Last shot before Christmas break. In the left side of photo is Mai, who come from Thailand. I feel so sad because she will going back on Friday. Keep in touch and see you in the future! I will visit you one day in Thailand…

At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.