Accademia Riaci
Student Reports

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12月. 23, 2016 | Posted in 未分類 , | Tags:, Reporter: | Course: Shoemaking

Shoe Making 14-Master Course 2016 (Student1)

Li SHIAU-TING_20161216_01

When finishing insole for Goodyear shoe, we started the process for lasting. Angelo was demonstrating method for lasting Goodyear shoe. A good lasting skill is really important, because, it would affect how it looks. The method for lasting Goodyear construction also differ from the way we used to learn, this one needed more strength and rights angle to pull. Meanwhile, nails should be nailed inside the wall.

グッドイヤー靴の中底を仕上げるのと同時に吊り込み作業を始めました。それにあたり、アンジェロ先生がグッドイヤー靴の吊り込み方のお手本を見せてくださいました。仕上がりの外観を左右するので、正確な吊り込み技術はとても大事です。 グッドイヤー製法の吊り込みはこれまで学んだ製法とは違い、革を正しい角度に引っ張るのに力が必要です。それ以外にも、釘を壁の内側に打ち込まないといけません。

Li SHIAU-TING_20161216_02

I spent almost whole day completed lasting. After couple of practice, I felt that I could gradually master my lasting skill as well as getting fast. From simple women’s shoe to more complicated designs, it seemed that following prof. Angelo step by step, nothing will be the problem.


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Masami was ahead from others. Now, she was measuring distance for welting.


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I took a series of photo when everybody were lasting their shoes, in order to record last shot before this semester ended. Hi, this is Lara.


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This is Joe, now he was happily use his file to smooth toe-counter. A method to shape a beautiful toe-cap was not just fastened leather on your last, but also the counter inside needed to be smoothed as possible.


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Joanne was cutting leather which was unnecessary, this step was to clean insole and see holes inside.


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This is me. I was working hard with my shoe and almost done. I put more nails where the wrinkle was and flatten it.


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在周末逛完古物市集後,我與朋友們來到位於Santo Spirito附近的餐廳享受當地美食。這家餐廳的餐點十分新鮮美味、但份量大得嚇人。圖片是Yi-Ying的餐點,一人份的海鮮義大利麵跟蔬菜湯,怎麼看都像是三人份。開動囉!

We went to vintage market near Santo Spirito, after that, we had a wonderful Italian meal in one restaurant. Meals were super delicious and the portions were very generous in this restaurant. Picture shot when Yi-Ying’s order was coming, including a portion of pasta and one soup. Really big isn’t it?


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Florence city was lively these days. On Saturday, which was near Tornabuoni street, a group of people wore Santa Claus clothe, having a parade on the street.


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Thursday was the last day before Christmas break, Accademia Riaci held a little party for celebration. What a joyful time with cakes and bottles of champagne. I felt that students getting closer to each other and was like a big family. This was the end of this semester, next semester, would be more vivid! Happy New Year!




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