Accademia Riaci
Student Reports

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7月. 09, 2018 | Posted in 未分類 , | Tags:, Reporter: | Course: Shoemaking

Shoe Making 15-Atelier Course 2017

哈囉,又與大家見面了,新年快樂!想必你們都渡過了充實滿滿的假期。我啊,趁著最後一個禮拜的假期,送了自己一個新年禮物,參與了夢想很久的佛羅倫斯男裝盛事-PITTI UOMO,穿梭在時尚前線,覺得十分開心和興奮。

Hello, it’s me again, happy new year! I hope you all have a wonderful and fulfilling vacation. During the last week of vacation, I gave myself a new year present, I went to PITTI UOMO event. It is a big fashion event that I always dream of visiting in one day and I’m then happier to join the event in this year.

PITTI UOMO每年舉辦兩次,分別展示春夏與秋冬兩個季節的設計商品。配合93屆PITTI UOMO的活動,GUCCI也舉辦了GUCCI GARDEN的特別展覽。

PITTI UOMO is held two times a year, demonstrating seasonal collection for SS and FW. GUCCI also held a special event during PITTI UOMO 93, which is called GUCCI GARDEN.

這次GUCCI GARDEN的活動,創意總監Alessandro Michele將整棟GUCCI大樓打造成祕密花園,裡面除了展示系列粉嫩服裝與配件外,空間的安排也別具巧思,微電影、音樂、花草投影,讓觀者有如進入祕密花園的奇幻空間。

In this GUCCI GARDEN exhibition, the creative director Alessandro Michele has built this GUCCI museum as a secret garden. Insight the space, despite collections for clothes and accessories, there were also movies, music and project pattern on the wall. It makes you feel like you are go into a secret space.


After a long vacation, a new semester start in Riaci. In this semester we join four classmates. When I saw them start learning everything from zero, reminding the date I first start my course one year ago, however, the feeling just so strange…


The derby boot I working in a half. In this case, this part needed to be glued. It is quite different as the way we have learnt before. The purpose for the step is to make it more comfortable.


Our assistant Masa was hammering my insole, helping me to extend the length. When measuring the length for insole, in this case, should be bigger, Masa said. It seems that I should pay more attention to insole-measurement on next time.

終於進入攀幫了! 每每進入這個步驟,好似鞋子完成了一半。為什麼這們說呢?如果說攀幫像是在包餃子,餃子包完後,鞋子就成型了。

The process finally went into lasting. Every times when the shoes were lasted, it looked like it was almost finished in a half. Why I said that? Lasting is likes making dumpling, after it was wrapped, the lasting process is done, then, the outline took form.


Phew! Though leather looks beautiful, but, it is really not easy for lasting. Another lesson I have learnt this time, never buy leathers only because it is beautiful, always look the quality first!


Taking away nails that I had put before hand, I am ready for lasting toe-counter!

上學期花了很多時間在製作的法式流蘇樂福鞋,完成。這雙不論在拚色、版型、後處理都有很大的嘗試,實驗性高但也玩得很開心(燦笑)。持續挑戰好玩的設計,也謝謝一路上給我意見跟協助我的教授、助教、同學。一起期待下一雙作品吧 <3

In last semester, I made a lot of effort on this loafer shoes, I’m glad it is done. This pair I tried to play with colors, pattern, finishing. It’s quite experimental but I really have fun during the process (smiling). Many thanks for my professor, assistants, classmates. Let’s looking forward the next creation! <3



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At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.

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