Accademia Riaci
Student Reports
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8月. 07, 2018 | Posted in 未分類 , Student Reporter | Tags:Li Shiau-Ting, ShoemakingReporter: | Course: Shoemaking
Shoe Making 17-Atelier Course 2017
After doing first hand-stitching, Prof. Angelo helped me shaped the edge with big grinding machine.
It’s my first time to see so many vintage shoemaking tools. Prof. Angelo showed us a bag that full of edge iron and explained how to use it on Tuesday morning.
Meanwhile, I was doing my last stitching process. This time, I had paid more attention on the position of stitching.
Insight photo, Angelo was demonstrating the way to form the outline by wood. Usually, we use this method for making boots. Looking forward to Caterina’s new boots!
Once again here came the headache process for me, heel building. Assistant Masa was grinding the first layer of heel and assisting me the way to build it better and faster.
我想是因為掌握到了一點訣竅吧!這次疊根的速度特別快,咻咻咻的一下就疊好了! 準備黏上倒數第二片皮革片,待會就可以釘上釘子固定了。
Oh, couldn’t be happier and such a satisfaction! I did a great job this time.
完成! 沒想到疊跟可以如此滿意還有成就感,這才是我要的完美跟型阿。要繼續維持下去。
Finished! What a beautiful shape and perfect flat which I always reaching for.
On Thursday morning, Angelo started to teach new students how to last the toe-cap.
好吧…我知道我桌子有點亂,但工作不就是這樣嗎? (笑) 下午自主學習的縮影。
Alright…I now out table is a mess but…this is how we work (smiling). We also work very hard in the afternoon though there is no class.
Saturday night, we went to a club named A’ppetamento. It is a good place to relax after working hard whole week, chill with nice live music and good wine. This is the end of weekly report, see you next week!

At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.