Accademia Riaci
Student Reports
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2月. 03, 2017 | Posted in 未分類 , Student Reporter | Tags:Li Shiau-Ting, ShoemakingReporter: | Course: Shoemaking
Shoe Making 17-Master Course 2016 (Student1)
After finished first Goodyear shoe hand stitching, I moved on to shank putting and cork filling. At the same time, master course project starting from this week. We will have a busy and fulfilling semester-I thought in my mind. Photo shot when I was doing my leather cover for shank.
Another main point for Goodyear shoes is cork, a material to increase fitness and absorb moisture. This is why Goodyear shoes very attractive.
I hammered the cork around the front part, the process to fill the space fully. After that, the cork should be filed smooth. Now, we could start stitching second line.
Prof. Angelo was helping me with my second hand stitching because the groove was a bit deep. It’s not easy to control strength at the first time, he said. He worried that I might break my outsole. It was very thoughtful of him.
Today, we all crowed in the back room hand stitching our shoe-sole. When seeing the scene that everybody so close to each other, working so hard, a feeling of happiness warm my heart. Yeah! We all get together doing what we enjoyed, it was something really matters. Welcome to Rock party! We said.
On Thursday, me and MASAMI went to RINALDI, the place for our master project. This is a store for bespoke medical shoes.
This is Mr. ROSSI, owner of RINALDI. He was introducing their shoes for different medical treatment.
Inside the store, there was a little factory for making shoes and insole. photo shot when artisan was making insole.
There was a vaccum machine for making insole. The step for making customize insole was really amazing, with only oven and vaccum machine they could help someone who have medical problem.
There was a special machine for scanning foot pressure. With this machine, we can know the outline of your foot. We learned a lot only one day, next class will in February. This is weekly report, see you next week!

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