Accademia Riaci
Student Reports
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11月. 24, 2017 | Posted in 未分類 , Student Reporter | Tags:Li Shiau-Ting, ShoemakingReporter: | Course: Shoemaking
Shoe Making 2 -Atelier Course 2017
星期一的早晨,把攀幫好的寶貝鞋裝袋,這禮拜要準備開始縫製Tirolese了 !
Carried my shoe with my bag, it’s time to stitch my Tirolese shoe this week!
Our Prof. was back this week. Once again, we were back to the busy life just likes before. Caterina and Giulio were focus on listening Angelo’s demonstration.
In the meantime, I was stitching my first Tirolese stitching; In a quiet corner with enough space for me to open my arms. Fortunately, after few months break, I did not forgot much.
The way for hand-stitching Tirolese and Norwegian construction is quite similar, but, Tirolese construction has welt, that’s why, this construction needs a better eyes and better technique. How to stitch through a layer of leather but still in the right angle? Not easy.
I’m so lucky that my second year in here still have these people accompany with. You are still adorable even we didn’t see each other for a while.
當然還有熟悉的助教啦!照片裡Bernardo正在教Monica如何處理屁股的縫線。 當知道我要拍攝報告照片,馬上露出靦腆的pose照,你們也太配合了吧! (笑)
Also, the assistant we are familiar with! Picture shot when Bernardo was teaching Monica how to deal with the back stitching. They gave me a cute pose when I said I am going to take a picture for them, so cooperative (haha).
A summer hat I always wanted to buy, finally, I found it. Let’s go for a vacation.
Via dell’ Oriuolo路上看到的小海報,海報裡面描繪了各個時期的Firenze市徽,因為太有趣就忍不住拍下來了。
An interesting post I saw when I on my way to Via dell’ Oriuolo, it reports the different time of Firenze crest.
Via dell’Oriuloに行く途中に面白いポスターを見つけました。歴代のフィレンツェの紋章が一覧になっています。
Prof. Angelo was teaching me how to do the next Tirolese process. After finishing first stitching, upper need to be separated and then cut off extra leather.
縫完沿條後這雙鞋子感覺有個雛型了,我已經可以想像它最後完成的樣子,好興奮呢! 我們期待下禮拜的進度吧~
This is how it looks after first stitch. I could imagine how good it will be when it is finished. How exciting!! Let’s see how it will be.

At Accademia Riaci, we are recruiting Course Reporters from our students. The students who are chosen to become Course Reporters are given 10 % of the tuition as their scholarship fee.
The Reporters who have submitted excellent reports will have his or her profile posted on our school website for the next 5 years as an alumnae and will be able to connect with their business chancesafter their graduation.